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Who Can Still Say That Uncontrolled Immigration Isn't Responsible For A Massive Increase In Crime?

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anotheoldgit | 11:48 Sun 11th Aug 2019 | News
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The Guardian and the BBC right-wing???????????

I apologise that I couldn't find a Morning Star link for you.

//That is part of the problem, they don't choose to integrate, they prefer to make and live in their own communities.//

And with the welcome some are advocating here, can you blame them? I'm not sure how much I'd want to integrate with folk who victimise me for my place of birth.

I know I'm sounding like an old hippy here, but we really need to look beyond such things if we want our race to survive and flourish.
//The Guardian and the BBC right-wing//

I was referring to the Sun and Telegraph.
Criminal behaviour by Albanians is a serious problem in various parts of Europe such as The Netherlands and Italy.

//Criminal behaviour by Albanians is a serious problem in various parts of Europe such as The Netherlands and Italy.

As well as the UK and indeed Albania itself. The stumbling block to Albania's candidacy for EU membership is given (by the EU itself) as "Corruption, organised crime, politicisation of the judiciary." Just the sort of country, really, that would be welcome.
NJ - It did cross my mind too! ;-)
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/// I know I'm sounding like an old hippy here, but we really need to look beyond such things if we want our race to survive and flourish. ///

If we want our race to survive and flourish!!!!

That is the problem, our race is not surviving or even flourishing, we are seeing our much envied NHS deteriorate from the sheer numbers, some who have not paid one iota into it's creation.

Our own school children who are finding it increasingly difficult to find a school and in some areas are the minority in some of the overcrowded classes.

Our own young couples unable to get a Council House because some immigrates are given a priority over them.

They didn't want the British in their countries but they are perfectly willing to come amongst us in search of the amenities that we bestow on them.

Yes we need immigration but not on the scale that the peoples of this country have had forced upon them.
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/// I was referring to the Sun and Telegraph. ///

Do take note on what you actually put.

/// Absolutely, as all your links have come from right wing papers ///

Please pay particular notice of your use of the word 'ALL'.

Can't argue with that aog

makes sense to me
//That is the problem, our race is not surviving or even flourishing, we are seeing our much envied NHS deteriorate from the sheer numbers, some who have not paid one iota into it's creation.//

And hereby lies the problem, and the difference I opinion I don't imagine you or I will overcome any time soon. You take "race" to mean British, I intended "race" to mean humanity in general. The sooner we all start looking beyond such issues as nationalism and religion, the sooner mankind can better itself.

Crap, I've gone full hippy haven't I?
-- answer removed --
slither to.
Overall crime has fallen, according to the Crime Survey of England and Wales. I'm sure that there have been some spikes recently, particularly in knife crime, but that doesn't offset the long-term trend.
//The sooner we all start looking beyond such issues as nationalism and religion, the sooner mankind can better itself. //

For that to work 'all' must be the operative word .... and it never will be. It's a pipedream.
//Overall crime has fallen, according to the Crime Survey of England and Wales. //

That would depend upon the questions asked and dare I suggest the intention? Statistic, statistics, and damn lies.
"For every bad guy, we could be sitting on a potential landmine of doctors or scientists?"

Comedy gold, right there. :-)
Dont ya just love the crime statistics and surveys that are pedalled out as fact. Total garbage and misinformation ,highly interfered with and doctored lest they offend.
I bet they didn't get their useless stats data from the cops on the streets. My father was serving from 38 to 69. The collective crime then was certain faction of youth dressed in drapes and brothel creepers.
Come a certain culture in a certain ship and a new culture is introduced into the new crimes of the UK and other crimes now associated with it. Drugs. There were opium dens back in sherlock's day but the dreaded weed arrived en mass. I am aware that Queen Victoria took a tincture of cannabis but that did not culminate in an escalating crime wave.
Any copper on the street, unless they are scared of losing their job, will tell what the main crimes are committed and who actually commits them. Prostitution and sex trafficking by eastern bloc gangs here, drugs there by mainly Carribeans ,Romanians in scams and pickpocketing. These so called statistics mean nothing to me and I suggest are not telling police officers what they should be seeing but don't.
Notice that The Sun doesn't mention that Wensley is a former news editor for, you've guessed, The Sun.
12.34 Every Immigrant should have to pass a Densa Test and have a pass level of at least 155 or 160 to get into the UK. If not they should be forced to live at " The Herne Bay Transit Camp ".
Those who are so low that they do not register on the scale can live in Glubs village......thereby giving him a bit of competition for the job that he currently manages with ease.

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