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Should She Be Sacked?

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Bobbisox1 | 08:40 Wed 14th Aug 2019 | News
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Khafi Kareem ,a Met police officer asked for leave to go to Nigeria ( to take part in their version of Big Brither ) her request was turned down but she went anyway, whilst there she had sex with another housemate live on TV
My opinion, Yes she should be sacked,if you ask your employer for time off and you take it anyway , isn't that gross misconduct ?


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Yes, I do, actually. My parents were *both* Police Officers and when you join you accept that being a Police Officer is pretty much a 24/7/365 occupation.
10:26 Wed 14th Aug 2019
my sense on any article that is, as you say, "cloudy" is that the REAL story is a lot less exciting.
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^^^ probably
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The article also states pregnancy could occur as there's 17 days left to run, now that's twaddle at its best , lol
AHHHH a little Bobbie on the way. bless
Yes . She should be sacked. She has bought the police service into disrepute. If told she cannot appear in a TV show then she has disobeyed a lawful order within a discipline code that you are pledged to abide by.Technically a police officer is not allowed to get himself inebriated off duty or even get sunburnt.( Contrary to Discipline Code.) That is rendering oneself unfit for duty.
My father had a biography written about his service with his, at the time,quite famous police dog. It was written by a well known,at the time, BBC producer Richard Afton. My father was not allowed ,by the Commissioner of Police whose permission had to be sought first, to have the book published whilst he was a serving officer. My father would of been dismissed if he disobeyed that order. I still have the manuscript. :-(
//AHHHH a little Bobbie on the way. bless//
Ideal for placement in 'Minor Crimes' office.
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That ship sailed a long time ago Teacake :0p
"She has bought the police service into disrepute."

Yeah but has she? If anything her actions don't reflect the police at all, and i certainly don't reflect her actions on Big Brother towards the police.

Do you?
She was a policewoman(introduced as such) being televised having sex.Spath would you be happy to see your daughter in such a position?
I wouldn't care if my daughter (at the same age, and position as the woman in discussion) was having sex on TV, No. And seeing it happen, does not at all make me think of the metropolitan police force... Arrogant bunch.
If my daughter became a stripper then good luck to her, I hope she is happy and making enough money to support the lifestyle she wants to live. I have no issue with sex workers as long as they are clean and respectful. Hard job.
//Publicity from the reality series shows Khafi, who is from Ekiti, Nigeria, wearing her Met Police uniform amid claims she is a talented dancer and singer.//

She has sought publicity by wearing her Police Uniform. Why the need to bring the fact that she is a police officer?
By doing so she has bought the Police service into disrepute. The uniform is not a publicity prop for some tacky TV show.

I think that she should be sacked - she asked for permission to go on the TV programme which indicates that she knew that permission was required.

When her request was denied she decided to disobey the rules and go on TV anyway.

I don't think that what she did or has yet to do in the TV programme is as important as the fact that she went against the rules of conduct for any Police Officer.

She will not gain any extra leave by being rewarded the extended leave. However, if she lied to get this leave that is a no-no for any public servant.

If this was a white guy from Doncaster my answer would be the same.
I think what she did is as good an example of "bringing the Police Force into disrepute" as I can think of.
"Is this really that serious? No."

Yes it is, but as youre basically just an argumentative troll (a conclusion easily reached by having looked at and finally got bored of researching some of your previous "contributions") its pretty academic because you will argue just for the sake of it....
but was permission required? Does anybody know if there is a rule that says that police must ask permission before being on TV as themselves, not representing their police force? The fact that she asked doesn't mean that she needed to ask...again with the photos...did she dress up and pose or did the show get the pictures from the net? Because I am betting that to be on the show you have to agree to let the show control the publicity.
Do I think she was silly...yup, as silly as the Mayor of Sillyville on the Planet Silly....but objectively do I think the Met have got a good case for disciplinary action? Not from what I have read so far.
"14:20 Wed 14th Aug 2019"

I find it internet troll like behaviour to tell someone (who is solely discussing the topic at hand) they are a troll.

Your comment TCL is actually more trollish, than any of mine on this thread.

Discussions can get passionate, but try to refrain from name calling.
Sorry (THECORBYLOON) I was not aware you had a shadow (THELOONYCORBYN?)

My comment above should be addressed to THELOONYCORBYN not TCL.
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Troll? Perhaps not but you don't stop short of insult throwing do you?
I try not to throw insults, only at those I know have thick skin.

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