//Boris Johnson dropped into @WhippsCrossHosp for a press opportunity - so I gave him a piece of my mind about how he is running the NHS based on the experience with my 7 day old daughter, who was neglected for hours last night. //
The tweet from our "activist" Omar. Has he complained to the hospital? Does he expect Boris to be there to look after her? Was he there? By the way his daughter is in Acorn Ward. A ward that states that these are its aims (Whipps Cross is part of Barts Children Hospital) What I would like to know is .......how does he know that his daughter was left "unattended". Was he there? In which case....
//The day nurse’s shift starts at 07:45 – 20:15. After handover, your child will be allocated a nurse, who will come and introduce him/herself to you and care for your child during that shift. He/she will check that you know where the facilities are and answer any questions or give any help that may be needed.
Nightshift starts at 19:45 – 08:15. Parents beds must be folded up each morning by 09:00 to allow for cleaning and easier access to patients. Please discuss with your allocated nurse if you need your bed kept down for any medical reason.
We would also appreciate it if curtains are kept drawn back during the day so your child can be observed.
Our policy on Acorn Ward is that we check with you every hour during the day shift to ensure that you and your child do not want for anything. This is what we call Hourly Rounds. Please inform the nurse if you have any concerns.
After breakfast we will help you wash your child if needed. If you need washing equipment, please ask.//