this is seriously getting on my nerves, this whole brexit thwarting tactics....errr
i just want to see an end to it, leave long can this go on, court cases to stop it
were all going to die, were doomed etc etc.
I too don't understand the logic that No Deal (aka WTO terms) means impoverishment. The "Deal" is an alternative to the Lisbon Treaty. It is not a trade deal. Either the EU and the UK will agree a trade deal at a later date or they will not. I would like to think that pragmatism would prevail but since the EU is involved that cannot be guaranteed. In that case both...
Diddlydo - yes we did. It was explained and explained and explained to even the thickest of us and in such terms as to try to scare us into remaining. Don't go over old ground. I was well aware of for what I voted in '16.
No doubt you were aware of what you wanted, but I find it difficult to believe that anyone who voted to Leave took seriously enough the problems that the Irish border would pose to arranging our subsequent departure.
Jim, I don't recall you having thoughts on that at the time - although others may have. I do recall, however, you doing the honourable thing by conceding to democracy and accepting the result - well at least for a day or three. ;o)
No, I don't think I did. It was mentioned but dismissed.
I still accept the result. What I don't accept is the way in which it's being implemented. I don't see why, on its own merits, an arrangement that leads to a de facto customs border down the Irish Sea can be remotely acceptable to anybody. Nor is No Deal remotely acceptable -- to deliberately impoverish ourselves and our neighbours cannot be what Leave Voters had in mind.
Diddlydo didn’t understand what he was voting for so erroneously thinks the same of anyone else who voted the other way.
It’s a problem I know but Diddlydo really does need to rethink his own opinions if he was so out of touch with what was going on during the referendum.
I too don't understand the logic that No Deal (aka WTO terms) means impoverishment. The "Deal" is an alternative to the Lisbon Treaty. It is not a trade deal. Either the EU and the UK will agree a trade deal at a later date or they will not. I would like to think that pragmatism would prevail but since the EU is involved that cannot be guaranteed. In that case both sides will be the losers. But there is no reason to agree to Lisbon II just so that life can go on as normal.
Why do we have to leave the EU to have business deals with the rest of the world? What's stopping us from dealing with non-EU countries anyway?
Of course Tory Tory Tory Man blames everyone for the current situation, except the rebel Tories who failed to support their own PM in the first place. Ipso Fatso.
"If frictionless trade is good for NI then why not for the rest of the UK ;-)"
Because it comes with a sting in the tail, that is, loss of sovereignty for that part of the UK. NI may prefer that to having a hard border with the south of the island, but it's that, and the concern that having a hard border might trigger off the murderous scum, that makes them a special case. But this surely just points out the obvious, sorry about that.
Most of those who voted remain didn't have a clue how important sovereignty is nor the benefits of multiple worldwide trade deals. Many apparently still don't.
No Deal is impoverishment because you need trading rules in order to operate with foreign powers. If you lose their rules you need to come up with new ones. It doesn't matter that UK operated as its own authority in, say, 1975. It's like having an omelette and trying to distill eggs from it.
It's not the Irish border that's the problem, so much as the EU's insistence that it won't take seriously the peace issue in Ireland and insist on a hard EU border. If they weren't determined to cause problems in order to get their own way, there'd be no border problem.
No deal is a temporary blip. One can trade perfectly well without a deal, but better with one. Besides, as pointed out, we ain't even got to the trade part of negotiations with the EU because they opted to waste time causing issues and making demands. Trade deals worldwide is not impoverishment.
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