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Now Who's Running Scared?

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diddlydo | 23:07 Sun 03rd Nov 2019 | News
189 Answers
Farago won't stand in election. I wonder why!


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Well that’s Labour and Unions for you DD. It’s jobs for the boys robbo and prudent economic sense counts for nothing. :-(
Diddly. //Anyway, are you claiming that you've never received what others have earned? No free education, no NHS treatment, no child benefit????? All paid for from what someone else has earned.//

Everyone, regardless of their contributions – or not - to the coffers of society, receives all those things so that’s irrelevant. You were talking about a ‘fair’ distribution of wealth which is something different entirely. Tell me, diddlydo, why someone who has ambition and a determined work ethic, and takes the trouble to educate himself in order to obtain well-paid employment, and works his socks off to improve his lifestyle, should give his hard earned money to someone who either doesn’t have the wherewithal to do that or can’t be bothered? Why? What’s ‘fair’ about that?
I asked the same question on this thread yesterday morning, naomi.
No one has answered it.
No surprise, Bigbad.

Furthermore, diddly, the high earner is paying the top rate of Income Tax, so he's already well and truly sharing his wealth. Add to that the possibility that his children are privately educated, the likelihood that he has private health insurance, and the reasonable assumption that he's paying rather a lot of Council Tax because he's worked hard to buy a rather nice house which he pays to maintain - no calling the Council in to fix his central heating or roof for free - it follows that he is a real bargain to society because he give much and takes virtually nothing back. Fair?
^^^it’s pointless Naomi. Some people simply refuse to accept it. All they see is ‘somebody has more than me and it’s not fair and therefore should pay even more’.

Frankly, it’s pathetic.
I'm in agreement with Naomi. There is a lot of wealth envy.
I agree as well. Some folk think that people who earn a lot of money haven't made sacrifices to do so. They've worked hard and in all likelihood missed all their kids parents evenings and nativity plays along with loads of bedtime stories.

Too much envy in this world. If you want it, go an flippin earn it.
Naomi 18:12, you had a good go at it but you cannot reason with fools. they are simply envious of anyone who is better off than them. That's why you won't see anything more from itchy and scratchy on this thread.
Think it is past bed time for the The Tory Twerp.
He needs tucking up in bed with his dummy.
ah scratchy, you care!
Just get tucked up in bed with your dummy TTT.
Then we will get Jo Swinson to come and tell you a bed time story. P/S when I mentioned Dummy, I did mean Boris , or Thatcher, PMSL.
The gap between rich and poor is a disgrace in this country today.
Hard work and gumption don't necessarily end in reward.
And by the same virtue, you don't have to be lazy and/or feckless to end up with the *** end of the stick.
And no, I'm not jealous of anyone. I'd like to be better looking and younger but hey-ho.
Rockyracoon is spot on. It’s 9.30pm and I’ve just walked in my front door. I was on the 6.32am to London Bridge this morning.

I wonder how many of those who want even more free money from me have just put in a 15 hour day.
The only clever thing diddlydo has added to this thread, given she’s amply demonstrated that she’s a bit on the dim side, is I must admit I do quite like the bastardisation of Farage’s name.
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Some people on here fail to get my basic point which is that, although I personally am comfortably off, I'm saddened that there are really poor people (and poor through no fault of their own) in this so-called developed country while there are others rolling in it and whinging about paying too much tax. No question of envy on my part. And seeing that Naomi mentioned private education and private health insurance - both should be abolished so the rich can appreciate (or not) what they've bought out of.
I haven't read the thread yet... but if you equally distributed wealth across everybody today, it would still go back to richer and poorer.
There is a difference between "can't" and "won't".

Because that’s life.

Some people do well, some don’t.
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Errr - can't and won't what?????????
Some people can't work, for genuine reasons and add in... others are lazy and just refuse to.
I’d love to have David Beckham’s wealth, but I never will, but rather than moaning like a stuck pig and wailing about the perceived inequality of it, I prefer to think he’s earned what he’s earned and bloody good luck to him.

And that is the fundamental difference between you and me.

I don’t think it’s wrong for people to amass money through their work, whereas you do.

You have a problem.

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