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Now Who's Running Scared?

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diddlydo | 23:07 Sun 03rd Nov 2019 | News
189 Answers
Farago won't stand in election. I wonder why!


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Any one who has more brain cells than a single organism would be scared of Corbyn in No 10. Members of his own party shudder at the thought and claim he is a disaster.
thankfully retro the public are not stupid enough to put Jezza in No10.
I don't do bets and I don't do charities.
But you clearly miss my point. The Tories ARE scared of Corbyn getting in power. They're always saying as much. Oi! Corbyn! No! :o)
I'm not scared, I think the Tories will get more seats than Labour and I am prepared to back it with my own money? You are just spouting hopeful BS that you haven't got the bottle to back. Like all lefties you cower away when challenged. If you really believe your rhetoric you'll back it with your own money. I won't hold my breath.
10cs: "I don't do bets and I don't do charities. " - but you do do running off at the mouth then bottling it....

// I think the Tories will get more seats than Labour //

I agree. But they won’t get a majority.

My Prediction:
Conservative - 297 (-20)
Labour - 278 (+16) includes Speaker.
LibDem - 14 (+2)
SNP - 38 (+3)
Plaid 3 (-1)
DUP 7 (-3)
Sinn Fein - 8 (+1)
SDLP - 3 (+2)
Independent - 1 (-)
Green - 1 (-)
Brexit Party - 0 (-)
UKIP - 0 (-)
Change UK - 0 (-)
//The power-mad and selfish always try to pull the wool over the eyes of the intellectually-challenged.//

And that from diddlydo. We walk in the shadow of giants.... :o)
danny, I think Nigel has become deranged. I'm one who supported him for several years, but a few weeks back I had moment when I switched on the TV with the sound off when he was giving a speech, watching his gestures & body language I thought, if you put him in a brown shirt & added a small moustache this guy would remind me of someone - I think he's dangerous.
Like those in your link, I'm voting Boris.
I'm not scared of Corbyn getting in - I'm absobloodylutely petrified of him getting in.

I'm one of the people Corbyn and Mad Dog McDonnell hate - I'm comfortable, although far from rich, and do not have a single reliance on the state, and Corbyn stated in the last election that he's going to punish me for having the temerity of earning above a certain amount by way of increased income tax. I already pay a shed-load of tax, so the thought of paying anymore due to Corbyn's hatred of people like me makes me bloody terrified.

People who earn more will pay more taxes - that's how percentages work - so I've never understood why, in addition to this, the actual % figure for those earning above a certain amount also increases. I've heard it said on a number of occasions, most latterly from Sturgeon, that I and people like me should shoulder the heavier burden....but we'd be doing that anyway even if the % amount didn't increase.

Corbyn thinks anybody earning over £80k is "rich" but he denied being rich on his £140k a year (natch).

So yes, I'm scared - as should everybody else who has any desire to do the very best they can for themselves and their family.
^^^^^ I heartily agree deskdiary - well said! ^^^^^
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If you remember that the basic State Pension is less than £9K and that's all some people have to live on, then anyone earning over £80 is most definitely rich. What can possibly be wrong with narrowing the gap?
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So what? Even with that increase there will still be an enormous gulf between the rich on £80K and those on a State Pension.
"What can possibly be wrong with narrowing the gap?"

You expect people who are already paying the most into the coffers, to pay even more.

That is fundamentally unfair.

If extra revenue needs to be raised by way of higher taxes, then EVERY tax payer should be involved, not just those who earn above an arbitrary amount.
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Desk diary - would you like to be reliant on food banks? No, I thought not.
DD: "I'm one of the people Corbyn and Mad Dog McDonnell hate - I'm comfortable, although far from rich" - there are millions of us me old china, we are deemed "rich" by socialists.
"Desk diary - would you like to be reliant on food banks? No, I thought not. " people use food banks because they waste their money on dope, cigs and booze and the latest Iphone then they wonder how to feed the kids after that. The poorest person is rich compared to the poor sod starving in Africa etc. WSS get plenty if they used it wisely.
It's quite clear that the outraged Fred Doberman
(aka TTT) and others believe everything they read in the media. I too have have been told that I'm rich. Yep. Tis true. I'm not a leftie and I don't waste money on betting or charity donations. There was mention earlier by someone of people buying drugs, cigs, alcohol etc when it's quite clear that the same person is prepared to hand over plenty of dosh for betting. I'm absolutely delighted that selfish people are "absobloodylutely petrified". If you're not selfish, you've no need to be. But I do like the thought of it!

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