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The Hypocricy Of Boris

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diddlydo | 08:57 Wed 01st Jan 2020 | News
300 Answers
So how does he square his getaway to Mustique with his new year message re being "friends and equals"? Frankly, it stinks.



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The house has a recess around the same dates every year even when your precious Labour party were in. Give it a rest will you. You are making yourself look more foolish with every post you put on and still ignore most of the answers you are given.
Obviously she was mistaken,
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Shedman - we don't normally have a General Election in December during the run-up to which many parliamentary days were lost so they should at least be back at work now like the rest of the real world.
I love the way the Daily Wail spins it by saying Johnson saved us so much money by not using an RAF jet at a cost of £100,000 to go on his hols. Good old Boris!
Diddly, do you think that mp's only work is in the HOC. They have their
constituencies to look after etc.Your unhealthy obsession with Boris is bordering on the manic.
It is people like you who are not in the real world. You are sounding deluded like Corbyn who seems to think the party members still want him as leader. Many of the days lost as you call them was so that Corbyn could have the election he asked for and then proceded to get hammered in. Cloverjo he paid for it so it doesn't make any difference as to what papers are putting in to sell more. Whether you like him or not he is there for a few years so lets just give him a chance.
we should, if he doesn't come up to scratch then he can be dumped, though it will be five years before that can happen.
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Emmie - and meanwhile we get 5 years of misery out of the EU while Boris maintains that we're one nation - some hopes.
"though it will be five years before that can happen"

Not necessarily if he repeals FTPA as promised!
Boris is trying and hopefully will succeed in bringing people together. I hope he does it..
Shedman, Corbyn didn't call for the election; the Tories did and Labour supported the motion. Had they not supported it, there would still be Chaos in the Commons. I've always wondered why MPs have much longer holidays than anyone else. It's nothing new is it?
but do they get longer holidays, what about working in their respective constituency.
Oh wow. Just wow. Someone takes a holiday and it’s news!!!

What a childish post.
How hypocritical of him to have the audacity to take a holiday when he's not invited the whole of the UK to Mustique. For shame !
OK, they have a much longer recess than anyone else. Who else has a "recess"?
10cs, The recess is form the HOC, not from their work as MP's. As has been said, they still work in their constituencies, but I suspect that you already know this.
I'd hardly call that "calling for a GE" Danny. Labour supported the motion in the commons which was proposed by the Tories for GE.
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Exactly - what would your average worker think of the amount of holiday MPs get?
10cs. On numerous occasions Corbyn called for a GE in the HOC.

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