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The Hypocricy Of Boris

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diddlydo | 08:57 Wed 01st Jan 2020 | News
300 Answers
So how does he square his getaway to Mustique with his new year message re being "friends and equals"? Frankly, it stinks.



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Naomi - the "equals" was a quote from Boris's new year message as in moving on and being "friends and equals". Well I don't want to be a friend of Boris or an equal with anyone of his ilk. And to your further point, it isn't money that's the issue here. Why do you always misunderstand?
"Whether he was loaned the villa or rented it, what difference does it make?"

A thing called 'transparency', unlike 'tax havens', corruption, slush funds, cronyism and such.
not right wing extremists, but people who have perhaps voted against the grain this time, and there were plenty of them, Labour voters who turned on their own party and voted for the Tories.
10.50 yes Emmie , even more Turkeys voted for Christmas.
Diddly, so if it isn’t about money what is it about?

sevenOP, you want ‘transparency’ about his holiday? Why? He’s gone to the Caribbean and staying in a villa he’s either borrowed or rented. What about that is confusing you?
so you are calling Labour voters turkeys, nice..
I never said I was confused Naomi, you did.

What in "a thing called 'transparency', unlike 'tax havens', corruption, slush funds, cronyism and such" are you having problems understanding ?
Ok gulliver and pals can you honestly and truthfully tell me you wanted a labour government led by Corbyn and his cronies to be running this country. Please don't mention Boris as this question has nothing to do with him or any other party. Just wanted to see if you really believe that Corbyn would have been good enough.
10.57 ,Well if they voted Consevative Emmie they need more stuffing.
anyway St Tony had countless hols in borrowed drums didn't he?
No he wouldn't have been, he and his cronies would have led this country into total disarray and likely bankrupt the economy.
If our political leaders, whoever they are, can function better by having a relaxing break at this time of year, then they should have it with our blessing.
Hopkirk, exactly..
sevenOP. No confusion here, but then I’ve not equated his holiday with //'tax havens', corruption, slush funds, cronyism and such"// because, unless confusion, or envy, or spite, reigns supreme there’s no reason to.
Let's face it the UK must be the laughing stock of Europe With Boris at the Helm ,cant wait for his first mistake of the many he will make .
I will show no Mercy on here.
nor will the Tories on here.
get used to it gully me old china, he'll be there for over 10 years!
Its ridiculous attitudes such as displayed by the OP that lost the Election for the Labour Party. Loonie lefties don't live in the real world they live in an outdated Utopia that's been proved time and time again to be unsustainable.
I never said you were confused Naomi, only you used that word.

It is naive to think bribery and corruption do not exist.
Or are you dissembling ?
gulliver "I will show no Mercy on here" neither will you answer a question as usual as asked at 11.07

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