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The Hypocricy Of Boris

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diddlydo | 08:57 Wed 01st Jan 2020 | News
300 Answers
So how does he square his getaway to Mustique with his new year message re being "friends and equals"? Frankly, it stinks.



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10cs, Just google'Corbyn calls for an election' and see how many times he did just that.
Diddly, this is one of your more ridiculous posts and that really is an achievement of sorts. You go for it girl! You’ve single-handedly managed to give more credence to Boris and the Conservative party than any other poster here. Great stuff! ;o)

Give over clarion. Corbyn called for an election on practically a weekly basis and then when he got the opportunity he ducked it until finally he had no option.
I seem to recall he kept being criticised in the HOC for not agreeing to an election because he wanted "No Deal" off the table. In the end though, "No Deal" might be the only deal!
Why is it that all these people that are in denial of the present government put on stuff from the same paper.
Naomi, that's the same link as Dannys' earlier one. Was he not always being criticised in the HOC for not agreeing to an election, then? Have I imagined that?
Because it tells them what they want to hear.
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Shedman, because it was the first link I found with reference to my question. Nothing else. I don't buy The Guardian. Never have and never will.
Do you take bargaining tools off the table when negotiating something as that is all the labour party wanted to do.
"It is people like you who are not in the real world. You are sounding deluded like Corbyn who seems to think the party members still want him as leader. Many of the days lost as you call them was so that Corbyn could have the election he asked for and then proceded to get hammered in. Cloverjo he paid for it so it doesn't make any difference as to what papers are putting in to sell more. Whether you like him or not he is there for a few years so lets just give him a chance."

He has been given his chance( to exist as PM) that is something we gave and cannot retract, so it would be foolish to not wish for his best.
Where has Corbyn intimated "the party members still want him as leader" ?
" Many of the days lost as you call them was so that Corbyn could have the election he asked for " ? - the election Johnson ( voluntarily) forced down Parliament's throat" !!!

I hope he returns refreshed from the Aristo Colony and proves his detractors wrong.
"We are all in this together " we soon will be when he gets back to work.
well at least diddly has stopped sulking now, normal BS has been restored!
I see Boris's sidekick IDS is not flavour of the month either .at the moment.Another member of the " Imaliar club ".
diddly: "Emmie - and meanwhile we get 5 years of misery out of the EU while Boris maintains that we're one nation - some hopes. " - try 15 years me old china! not misery, fun fun fun watching all the lefties whine, have you ever stopped to think why the electorate kicked your Aris into next week? If you did you may not be holding on to your love of pro terrorist marxism.
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TTT FYI I was never sulking.
The rest of you (or rather most of you) please get back to the point of my original post and try to defend what BJ has done over Christmas/New Year.
Gulliver, //"We are all in this together " we soon will be when he gets back to work. //

You won't. Have you forgotten you don't live here?
diddly, what's to defend? Going on holiday isn't a crime.
Diddly @10.05. You have had plenty of replies to your original post but you kept posting additional matter.
diddly have a day off, you dipped in for a look regularly but did not post for 3 weeks.

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