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The Hypocricy Of Boris

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diddlydo | 08:57 Wed 01st Jan 2020 | News
300 Answers
So how does he square his getaway to Mustique with his new year message re being "friends and equals"? Frankly, it stinks.



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The point of your thread was answered in the first few replies but as usual you ignore them. He just went on holiday as will have many of your lefty MPs and many others.
Diddly’s problem seems to be about money. Perhaps she thinks that everyone should earn the same regardless of what they do for a living which would mean either everyone being able to afford to go to the Caribbean, or no one being able to afford it. Is that right, diddly?
Shedman 08.26 , "Recharge his Batteries " he needs to. He has been Running with a few dead cells for years
I'm working class and I've been to the Caribbean
Taken you long enough to think of that one gulliver after you have replied a number of times to this thread. Maybe your cells need recharging too. While you are getting yours recharged get some for diddly too as there are definitely some missing cells there.
lindapalmara, me too.
Danny 08.41, Boris accepted his holiday" accommodation as a gift"
Well he would say that wouldn't he, staying at a £20.000 a week Villa, any idea who the Donar is supposed to be.?
Diddly needs to tell us what she means by 'equals'.
gulliver, //Boris accepted his holiday" accommodation as a gift"
Well he would say that wouldn't he//

Whether he was loaned the villa or rented it, what difference does it make?
10.27, shedman , I always keep the best till last. ha ha.
Anybody who works and gets the best from themselves can afford a Caribbean holiday - I`ve been 5 times - maybe its time we changed the record.
man has new years holiday.
I just love this website! Oh what fun!!!! :o) At a guess (only a guess, mind) I would think there are quite a few right wing extremists on here, one or two being in the mould of Frank Doberman. But don't mention that RWE thingy. Just mention left wing extremism. That always raises a few thingies! :o)
Talking of expensive holidays, I've been to Orlando 11 times. Yep. Eleven. I think I'm qualified to say, it's a dump with sunshine.
"it's a dump with shunshine" and you have been 11 times well more fool you.
Who is the accommodation Donor ? Maybe Dominic Cummings payed for it so he can think up his next load of dirty deeds in private.
//I've been to Orlando 11 times. Yep. Eleven. I think I'm qualified to say, it's a dump with sunshine. //

Although I would disagree with your assessment of Orlando, I have to ask if you think it's a dump why you've been eleven times?
naomi you know diddly won't answer a question and if for some reason she does then it will have been a mistake.
No reason she shouldn't, shedman ... unless it's too difficult.
10 Clarion 10.35 , You have noticed also , LOL

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