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ToraToraTora | 00:03 Sat 01st Feb 2020 | News
325 Answers
what else can I say........


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Jim360 - “The defeat, such as it was, owes more to the leaders of the Remain campaign than it does to the rank-and-file, anyway.” I vehemently disagree. While the leaders of the Remain campaign were, for the most part, doom-mongering, lying catastrophists, it was the rank-and-file 'C' and 'D' list remoaners in the main-stream media that really put the...
02:01 Sat 01st Feb 2020
Still don't know who Tim is.
Tim Martin?
Who he?
Timothy Randall Martin is a British businessman, and best known as the founder and Chairman of Wetherspoon, a pub chain in the UK and Ireland.

I don't know the answer, roy, which is why I didn't give one.
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^Time to change best answer, TTT.

Hello birdie. Superb. Good to see you.
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Well said, Birdie, though I fear it may fall on stony ground.
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wow, birdie, that was/is powerful.
True words.
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Wonderfully well put, birdie. Just what I needed after watching the pile of excrement that the broadcasters dumped on our celebration tonight.
Many, many thanks.
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We beat the krauts in two world wars but they sneakily made us pay for our victories by taking our income to fund eastern european backward countries. We were foiled by EU and bled as dry as the blood of our past victors and allies. We will now make our victors proud again.
How can it be Independence Day, the uk has always been independent.
We are free thank heavens, only one more year to go to sort out our basic differences, trade deals and the like,
hurray for that
A lovely handshake - hope we get access to USA.
we should..

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