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Boris Is Right Not To Ease Lockdown

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Bobbisox1 | 08:52 Wed 29th Apr 2020 | News
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What is anti British?
TTT has a very strange concept of anti-British - he uses the term to describe anyone who challenges his views/Boris/Tories in general/Brexit - the list is endless.
Fact - there were far more people about this morning and far more traffic on the road than I've seen since lockdown (I was only doing essential food shopping). People are getting bored and fed up and are beginning to take the law into their own hands because of the total absence of info/leadership from those who should be addressing this very issue. People want a timetable, however vague, and they want it NOW.
I heard that it takes some time to record deaths and recovery. Lets check again two weeks.
//People want a timetable, however vague, and they want it NOW. //

Only if they are petulant,childish immature demanding juveniles. Father Christmas ain't ready yet. Nothing currently is certain. If the government put down timetables there will always be morons who will expect them to stick to it. An impossible task to predict with the lack of knowledge available.
So if Boris had said yesterday that for example schools will resume in June for 2 days a week, hairdressers will open in August and football grounds in September, would that have stopped all those you saw going out because they were bored?
The more selfish people go out on picnics or visiting friends (and it is happening more now) the longer we'll all have to wait for the lockdown to be loosened
//People are getting bored and fed up and are beginning to take the law into their own hands because of the total absence of info/leadership from those who should be addressing this very issue. People want a timetable, however vague, and they want it NOW.//

Speak for yourself!
The General rule seems to be that lockdown can be eased when contagion is less than 1.0.

The UK Government announced 29 days ago that our contagion rate was 0.62. Yet we are still locked down.

Perhaps they are waiting for a vaccine which could take many months. Or are waiting for their contact tracing app to be ready which could take several weeks (and won’t work). Or soMe other unknown reason.

It does feel like we are being uninformed and that is leading to querulous impatience.
It would have been slated if it had started unlocking the lock down 2 weeks ago while the number of deaths was accelerating and news of care home deaths would start to come through and when getting PPE and tests was already a real challenge.
>The UK Government announced 29 days ago that our contagion rate was 0.62. Yet we are still locked down.

Chris Witty always seems very cautious about putting a figure on it other than to say it's below 1 but more than 0.5, so I'd be interested to know who gave the 0.62 figure
///TTT has a very strange concept of anti-British - he uses the term to describe anyone who challenges his views/Boris/Tories in general/Brexit - the list is endless. ///

Well said - his jingoistic answer to all who disagree is pathetic.
... and yes, Boris is right to extend the lockdown IMHO.
gromit: "What is anti British? " - you continually looking for anything to talk us down with. Trawling everything to find something that you can use to disrespect the country. Always backing other nations against us, always putting us down as behind everyone else. Turning anything good we do into a bit of luck at best. Surely you can find one of the 26 to move to in the EUSSR Utopia where you can be happy.
TTT - perhaps you'd care to reply to my post re your definition of "anti-British" and Canary's response above.
diddly: "TTT - perhaps you'd care to reply to my post re your definition of "anti-British" and Canary's response above. " - can't see any questions in either post just a couple of opinions. What would you like to know?
TTT - I'd like you to define "anti-British"and refute my inference of what you perceive to be thus, with reference to my last post.
gromit, What I have heard about lockdown release and R0 is slightly different....namely that lockdown can't be lifted if the R0 is above 1.
there's a decent analysis here of what still needs to be done
diddly, well what I said at 15:36 covers a lot of it but further to that is wanting our country to be run by an unelected foreign junta and collaborating with the afore mentioned foreign power against the best interests of Britain. In your case it's basically denigrating the country because your marxist agent buddy got his April kicked last December.
now diddly can I ask why you want our country to be run by an unelected foreign power?

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