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Why Does The E U S S R Think It Has A Right To Our Waters?

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ToraToraTora | 23:25 Thu 10th Dec 2020 | News
111 Answers
Can someone please explain to me why the EUSSR thinks it has any right to demand access to our waters for fishing. On what basis? ok so the French/Spanish fishermen will be annoyed if we stop them hoovering up the sea but that's not basis for claiming a right is it?


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Norway is in EFTA. We could have been too but brexiters didn't want it and as always they got their way.
//that money bought us quite a lot it turns out.//

It will buy us a damned sight more without the EUSSR creaming a third of it off the top.
//Norway is in EFTA. //

What's that got to do with the price of fish? Norway can trade freely with whom it pleases(for now) and is only barred from trading with us directly because we are in the EUSSR jail.

""The four EFTA States are all open, competitive economies committed to the progressive liberalization of trade in the multinational arena as well as in free trade agreements.""
Will it buy us access to a single market with our closest richest neighbours?
untitled // We catch and sell mackerel and buy and eat cod/haddock //

But not from the EU, the cod comes largely from the north Atlantic
We have to "buy" access to the EUSSR trading markets then? Is that called bribery and corruption in polite circles? Do we have to bribe the rest of the World, as well, if we want to sell em a bit of cheese or a bit of black puddin? Do we have to pay unelected "officials" vast sums of cash if we want to buy from them. Wonder how much the Chinese, Japanese, Australian, S. African, or Koreans demand in a brown envelope before we can freely trade.
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untitled; "they are different kinds of fish tora. We catch and sell mackerel and buy and eat cod/haddock by and large" - ok so we'll start catching cod/haddock and they can catch their own mackerel, tada!
Yes, that is how modern trade works. Access to markets comes with costs I am afraid in the case of the EU it was easily worth it for us, as we shall see if we leave without a deal.
that is how modern trade works

what's called "making a deal", or so I've heard. I wonder if the government has thought of trying this?
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good old jno, always sides with the opposition!
The big issue for the French which goes unmentioned on MSM, is that the UN has decreed that the western Med. is being overfished & they must cut back on its fishing (this is done by reducing the number of days they are allowed to fish there) which means, regardless of Brexit, they have surplus of fishing vessel/days anyway, & want to locate them in British waters.
//Yes, that is how modern trade works.//

Tell us, how many £billions are we bunging the Chinese these days?
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France and Spain are the locusts of the fishing world they'll never obey their own quotas let alone UN ones.
Hands up ... who pays their neighbours mortgage for permission to hang their washing out and to nip out to Tesco when they fancy?
Yes Khandro and they will reduce British waters to the sterile, barren, wasteland that they have created in their own backyard. They will also poison the well if we allow them to stay for an "interim period". Their mind set is that if they can't have it no one can.
The UK doesn't have a trade agreement with China (although we do send millions in foreign aid). You can be sure that getting one would be costly. Nice to see a brexiter likening international trade to relations between houses a completely meaningless metaphor.
You lost Untitled. Get used to it.
It seems to me that the EU is like a working mans club. I can't play snooker, or have a beer but they still want me to pay my subs.
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untitled is like many in 2016 leading up to the vote, they could not tell us why we should remain but chose instead to try and frighten us with what might happen if we did not. So sure they were of our inabilities that they refused even to consider our abilities. The basic left wing problem shows itself, they hate success and cannot bare the thought that we may actually thrive without foreign control.
TTT Yes it's back, but, Ignore Project Fear they hate Britain and do EU's dirty work for them says LEO McKINSTRY

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