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Pfizer And Oxford Jabs

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smurfchops | 11:21 Thu 18th Mar 2021 | News
86 Answers
Due to the current crisis, I presume EU will want to keep the Pfizer jabs for themselves so we may have a glut of Astra Zeneca. My first jab was a Pfizer. Would it be safe to have the AZ as a second jab? Wonder if I will get it in April........


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True TC, but I can't exercise as such except on a mobility scooter and quite honestly we have miles of open countryside from our garden which I now can't get the benefit of on a mobility scooter. OH is fit and well and walks for miles. Summer will be better when it's warmer. Or garden is huge donation least I can get out there.
Donation????? I typed 'so'!!
I suppose living in residential areas might have its benefits, but I can't bear the thought of pavements, street lights, or neighbours that are close!
Yes bhg, it was getting red hot, they said it was normal. I said B***S. They give me the runaround on the first day saying if I wasn't happy to contact the manufacturer, and that is BS. My contract is with Halfords for the the first 28, I returned it within five days. A warning to anyone, these firms are having a hard time, and will try anything to hold on to your money. You can not contact customer services by email, so you can't put anything in writing, this system is working well for them, in their favor. The phone tactic, is to not answer at all, or play you up until you may get fed up. The manager looked gobbed smacked when I handed it to him, I also took a photo of him holding the notification, but I had to be quick so had my phone in camera mode before I went into the store. :0))))
Daily Express has an article announcing that Moderna will be available in UK from April.
I know Bobbie, but people should be more aware of other' difficulties. And the
came from someone who appears to spend a great deal of time on here.
Apc please take into consideration that if you're on a long time then so are they to see you , having said that, for someone in your position as you've told us, it should matter not one jot how long or how short a time you are on here, if it's company for you, me or anyone else , just do it :0)
Back on track. It has been confirmed that second jabs will be given when due. Was on the lunchtime news.
Excellent news Apc
'It has been confirmed that second jabs will be given when due. Was on the lunchtime news.'

It was stated yesterday that no booked appointments would be cancelled.
Zac how's your girl progressing?
Very well thanks, Bobbi. She's getting stronger by the day. Thanks for asking.x
mine hasn't been booked, it wasn't given when we had first jab, so what does that mean. My second jab going on dates should be end of April -
That's really good to hear Zac ( thumbs up)
I was given my second date when I got the text for the first one
emmie"mine hasn't been booked, it wasn't given when we had first jab, so what does that mean. My second jab going on dates should be end of April -"
emmie it means you went through the GP route and not the NHS route. Gp's by and large are not booking second jabs at the same time as first ones, NHS hubs are.
ZM Try using the NHS booking system, Em

To my knowledge, you can't book a second jab through a different route from where you had the first one.
i did ask the people doing the vaccines at the surgery when we would get the second vaccine and they couldn't say. I had a tx initially to come to surgery on a saturday where specialists were running the clinic.

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