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Is Johnson Ok?

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Atheist | 23:49 Mon 22nd Nov 2021 | News
235 Answers
He seemed to me to have completely lost the plot. I heard he's had a cold all week. Hope he hasn't got long Covid.


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Good thread Atheist well done.
well that's a kind remark Naomi!
I don’t want Boris to go either but what he’s had and is having to contend with is taking his toll on him
I think the problem with our Prime Minister might be he doesn't seem to have a great sense of humour, very few people seem to share his idea of a joke. Apparently though, it's rumoured he does enjoy gullivers adoration so perhaps he does indeed have a very robust sense of humour.
11 52, Think you should change your avatar from Vulcan to Drone.
Yes Danny I think he is and it’s a sad thing to see, him being ridicules by the usual suspects
// him being ridicules by the usual suspects//

who would that be then -half his cabinet and more than a handful of back benchers?

12.03, The sooner the idiot does the better
And that will affect you how Gully ?
Gulliver//The sooner the idiot does the better//
Does what?
12.17........,....G0.......... GO ..........GO.
And the idiot hopefully will GO GO GO. Byeeeeeee Gully. (No such luck)
Gulliver, if Boris does go who will be the object of your obsessive behaviour?
A wag might ask the same of the sainted Danny if Gulliver was to take an extended break. :-P
Douglas//sainted Danny//
When Johnson goes it will be , Good Riddance from me,
If not Boris - then who?
But then what will your daily threads consist if then Gully?
Everyday Gulliver gets abuse from many abers re his post of Boris. He is not the only aber who questions Boris ability to be head of the Tory party.
Why bother with G so much ?

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