//Mozz, I think, is trying to go along with this, out of misguided "kindness", while obviously not believing a word of it.//
Feel free to stop second guessing my intentions any time Pixie.
Kindness towards others is seldom misguided in my opinion Pixie. I'm not a physician or an expert in human behaviour, nor am I likely to every experience any conflict of gender identity so, unlike so many others on AB, I do not consider myself an authority on what is genuine and what is attention seeking. I prefer to treat people as individuals rather that lump them into categories. If someone wishes to be addressed by a different pronoun to their birth one, then I'm okay with respecting that and if anybody else has an issue with that? Well, that's somebody else's problem.
As for this individual in the OP, I couldn't give a damn about their gender identity, because they're scum regardless of it. I also agree that they belong in a male prison, as they are clearly a danger to women and girls. I hope someone removes their genitals long before they go in for surgery.