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JDavis, I’m delighted (but surprised) you recognise logic. You’ll doubtless agree then that it isn’t logical to broadcast lies about a politician as ‘truth’ unless those lies serve a dubious purpose.
But why is it a witch hunt, Shirley? Surely you have a reason to believe that?
What are these lies, Naomi?
Come on, JDavis! You know all about him. Why ask me?
Positively dizzying this afternoon. Could end up with whiplash injuries. :-)
Take it easy, Douglas. Wound out necks are prone to damage.
A kangaroo would die of shame in the American legal system.
History, boys, history will give you the answers.
Alternatively, if you don't want to/can't wait around for the truth to come out, see my previous answers.
I don't like blowing my own trumpet but if I don't nobody else will.
Another evasive post, Naomi. Doubt you're fooling anybody, except perhaps Shirley.
And all bubbles burst eventually, naomi.
JDavis, I’m not trying to fool anyone. The man can’t do right for doing wrong. You know that and I know that. In fact we all know that. Really strange how those in hot pursuit just can’t seem to … get there. It’s not for want of trying.

Watch your bubbles, Douglas.
Yes, you're probably right, Naomi. We've all tried to cheat in elections,
incite riots and steal classified documents. I know I have.
JDavis, you tried … but according to you he succeeded so you really need to spill the beans to the people who count.
So, naomi, your argument is Trump's done nothing wrong (despite all
the evidence) because, if he had, the great brains in the US legal would have charged him. But, because they haven't, it must be a witch hunt.
And you've rejected the argument from other posters that those with money, power and status can more easily escape justice.,
hen that it isn’t logical to broadcast lies about a politician as ‘truth’

then Trump would be silent wouldnt he
Last night - "a President who scored more votes than anyone before and had more votes, millions of votes more than the declared winner"

Fun bill before various legislatures? a bill to empower the governor to declare the returning officers tally 'invalid' and to substitute his own score
When has a lack of evidence ever impeded Trump from asserting his lies as fact?
The art of the lie -
The Republican Party is perhaps the greatest promoter and victim of Don's lies. There is no need for a witch hunt when the witch Donald claims they are hunting is the very same one riding his broomstick.
jdavis, //So, naomi, your argument is Trump's done nothing wrong (despite all the evidence)//

Which 'evidence' is that?
Khandro; just google 'evidence for Trump's lies'.
Just off the top of my head khandro, the tape of him trying to persuade the Georgian election official to 'find' him 11,000 more votes.

"Donald Trump made more than 30,000 false or misleading statements during his four years as president of the United States, analysis suggests.

The astounding figure, which roughly equates to 21 false statements per day (or 20.94 to be precise) of his tenure at the White House, comes after a tumultuous post election period in which he spent weeks falsely alleging that the 2020 election was “stolen”, in remarks that spurred on his supporters to storm the US Capitol on 6 January.

According to analysis by the Washington Post, Mr Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims between his first day in office, on 20 January 2017, and his final day on Wednesday, when Joe Biden was sworn in as the country’s next president.

Among the Republican’s most repeated untruths was that his administration “built the greatest economy in the history of the world”. That phrase, according to the Posts’s analysis, was used at least 493 times.

Another favourite – and his second most repeated falsehood – was the former president’s claim that tax cuts introduced by his administration were the biggest on record. "
He is already whining about election fraud in the mid-terms, even though no results are in yet.

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