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Ahhh ... that'll be it then.
I think I'm asking reasonable questions politely Naomi. Not interrogating.

My question was about whether you think he's done anything wrong, but you seem a bit coy about actually saying.
oo- hope so!
only mimsy posts allowed Tom,
Trump looks like a winner - - passes
Trump is no friend of the Truth and his companies are worse, overstating land values to get a bigger mortgages
( fraud in the english crime book)
gets a ner-ner

Yes I think he will come back
I think he will win and pardon all his cronies
and half the land of the free will shout hurrah !
tomus, I do not know - and I will not condemn anyone on the back of spiteful gossip - which is all much of the criticism against him amounts to. How difficult is that to understand? His enemies, and that appears to include you and untitled, will grasp at anything, whether it be true or false, if it means his destruction. Suffice to say I'd rather be me than you.

Ask me again what I think when the authorities manage to come up with something tangible to achieve their aim.
I'm just trying to understand why people support him Naomi.

If you genuinely don't know about his alleged wrongdoings though, perhaps don't rush to defend him at every opportunity, as it might give the false impression that you do know.
Of course I know about his 'alleged' wrong-doings, Tomus. I've never suggested otherwise so I'm at a loss to understand what your comment about impressions is all about .... well, almost at a loss. ;o)

Since before he was elected his enemies have made damned sure that everyone knows about his 'alleged' wrong-doings. Furthermore, I don’t rush to defend him at every opportunity. Only when the sour spit venom that emanates from a determination to destroy …. regardless of how unjust that might be.
you are being weirdly evasive naomi… if you knew about his wrongdoings then you would know that they are far more than gossip
can’t see any evidence of spite from tomus or I either but that appears to be your word of the month
Is it sour or venomous to disapprove of him trying to steal an election? I don't think so, but there you go.
I won't even mention all the other stuff. I think a coup attempt is bad enough.
I don't know that, untitled. If I knew it the authorities, who are far more important than me, would know it too ... and do something about it. That's my bugbear, you see. Why don't they do something about it? They're trying hard and have been for years ... and still getting nowhere. You want 'weird'? That's weird.
Unfortunately, the American legal system allows rich and powerful people to delay and manipulate proceedings.
because he’s a former president naomi and arresting him would cause a massive political crisis… surely you can understand that people like trump aren’t just private citizens like joe bloggs?

the wealthy and influential escape prosecution all the time… even people much less wealthy and influential than trump.
Ah, the orange man bad brigade are out with all their Facebook accusations.

Trump has to be good looking at the people on here literally choking on their venom.

Still prefer SeSantis myself though.

Perhaps you'd like to have a go at the question youngmaf. Do you approve of Trump's attempt to overturn a democratic election, or do you not believe that's what happened, or something else?
Feel free to pitch in as well ttt. I recall you're a fan of the Donald, or used to be at least.
Lol. Poor Naomi. I do believe you're about to be impeached. Ooer.

It's always spite, isn't it, when people say or do things you disagree with. Condemning Trump's blatant wrongdoing, the envious Tory MPS who got rid of Johnson. You must realise the paucity of your reasoning.
untitled, //he’s a former president naomi and arresting him would cause a massive political crisis//

I don't buy that for one moment, untitled. If they CAN'T do anything - which is what you appear to be suggesting - why have they spent the past God knows how long trying - and trying very hard indeed - to dig up dirt on him? That's hardly conducive to political harmony .... is it?
JDavis, //It's always spite, isn't it//

Indeed it is. Witch hunts are always the result of spite.

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