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//he has a private army of nutters willing to fight for him. //

That'll be why the best brains in the US justice system have been stymied for all this time then.
Do you not think he's done anything wrong Naomi?

Can you explain why you think he's done nothing wrong? Is it OK to be on record trying to get a public official to falsify an election result?
I don't know - but if he's guilty of everything those who hate him accuse him of I'd be surprised. So much .... and yet no progress.
JDavis, see my answer above to Tomus.
You must have read/seeen enough about him to form an opinion other than you don't know.

It's not a trick question or anything.
maybe she approves… i think a lot of his admirers do.
Tomus, I said I don't know because I don't. Unlike many here, relishing every negative comment that is ever written, whether true or not, and pulling people to bits out of pure spite is not what I do - to anyone. If he's guilty of anything the authorities will presumably do something about it. Up until now they haven't. That's all I know.
How can you not know, naomi? The evidence is there. Was Jimmy Savile innocent because he wasn't prosecuted during his lifetime.
If the evidence is there the authorities will use it - make no mistake about that. You're not the only one who hates Mr Trump, JDavis. ;o)
Do you not for example think it was wrong of him to try and overturn the result of a legitimate democratic election?
He must have reason to believe the result wasn't legitimate. He'd need a strong case to back such a claim.
you don’t disagree about him doing it then naomi? you just think he probably had a good reason?
Do you think he had reason to believe it wasn't legitimate? Why do you suppose he never presented any of the reasons in one of the numerous court cases he brought, all of which were thrown out due to a complete lack of evidence being presented?
Untitled, don't put words into my mouth. I said, 'He must have reason to believe the result wasn't legitimate'.
Tomus, I don't know.
Ok... do you disagree that he tried to overturn the election?
Sorry, is that you don't know why he had evidence but didn't present it or you don't know whether he had any evidence in the first place?
Would you two like to shine a bright lamp in my face whilst you interrogate me further?

The question I ask is if all this evidence exists, why haven't the authorities used it to wreak revenge for all his crimes?
because it's not that simple with former presidents

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