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Palace Racism

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fender62 | 17:11 Wed 30th Nov 2022 | News
1020 Answers
Ngozi Fulani was asked where she was originally from mmm, whats the problem there
it's not what or was considered a british christian name, i assume the palace get people from around the globe visiting, so why the big hoo haa.


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I think that the lady was asking where her family originated from. I think that is a genuine question, maybe not the time nor the place but it is hardly a major issue.
17:51 Wed 30th Nov 2022
AH, I've no objection to criticism. I'm simply saying what you often say, All this unrelated personal tripe derails threads - and that detracts from the subject matter.
If someone has a go at me, I'm going to defend myself, but as far as I'm concerned I've had my say now and this thread can carry on as it likes.
fitdarren - // ... but as far as I'm concerned I've had my say now and this thread can carry on as it likes. //

Good to know, I was worrying if we could carry on or not ...
^ Were you ??
fitdarren - // ^ Were you ?? //

You, quote, "soon got my measure ...." - what do you think.
I think you are a grown man who acts and sulks like a 10 year old. Well, you did ask.

Definitely my last word now - go on ah fill yer boots.
Zacs - calling Zacs.

You will needed very soon.
Layyydddies ( and fitdarren)
stop pleeeez

The problem Fitdarren as you are new ( welcome by the way) is the quick-fire repartee reads like a load of short the next day. SO do it only if you LIKE - pages and pages of
"oh OK ( from my fave lady) - - erk - - do you - - is that at me?" - --- pages or yards of it

Meanwhile - poor Mogz - they have gone over her phone calls to her dear father - the text that had three dots, and too many emojis
" That just isnt him" she bleated plaintively on tv
As if really a CIA spook was leaning over the old boy and stabbing the key board for him.

and he has been contacted ( no not the spook but Tom, the gormless old fella) and confirmed that " it was he" the whole time.

The ripping apart of the trailer should have given them a clue as to what wd happen.

and Megz' half sister and niece - they were best buddies and not they're not - or did I miss something in this great saga
What for?

On a serious note, although I do try really hard not to get involved on pointless personal spats on the site, it does take two (at least!), so I am going to make an effort not to rise to the baiting I receive from the usual suspects, in an effort to keep threads from meandering off the subject.

That said, I will of course continue to express views as much verbosity as usual - a habit that's impossible to break at this late stage!!
They think it's all it's all over ...

BBC News - Ngozi Fulani receives personal apology at Palace

... it is now!

That is excellent.

I am impressed that Lady Hussey had the additional grace to apologise in person, and Ms Fukani had the grace to accept it.

An interesting exploration of the views of some AB'ers, and a welcome conclusion.

Thanks for posting ellipsis.
I think the lady in question should have been executed at dawn for treason.
She's a grifter that hangs out with grifters.

//Both Ms Fulani and Lady Susan ask now that they be left in peace//

I bet Ngozi does, now that she has attracted the attention of the charities commission.
Time to leave it now Roy.
Not long for the thousand.
andy, Fulani is not as you spelled her name...
Never mind, hopefully we're all done now.
What a load of nonsense.
It'll be grand.
Like the lady she is she’s being seen to make the right noises. It placates.

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