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Is It All Over For Boris Johnson?

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sp1814 | 09:57 Sun 26th Mar 2023 | News
103 Answers
…or is there a way back for him?

What would have to happen to allow him back into Number 10?


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SP, partygate has not moved on. That was the whole point of that kangaroo court, quite shamefully led by someone who already deemed him guilty, grilling him for over three hours a few days ago.
Maxwell Fife - long memory jno or as Naomi has said - fast googling!
home secretary in the sixties
AND something to do with Nuremberg trials innit

and the Nazis knew something about loyalty !

MF - didnt he decline to reprieve someone ( let em hang! hang em high, thx TTT) and then there were questions over whether he had done it
("No reprieve from hanging ! Lord Kilmuir. liked hanging apparently)
I am still confused why having drinks and birthday cake with colleagues has anything to with not being able to be with loved ones in hospital? Perhaps someone could explain. The people at those functions could not be able to be with their loved ones in hospital either.
That was the whole point of that kangaroo court, quite shamefully led by someone who already deemed him guilty,

its not a coooourt ( sing songy voice)
and it does nt find guuuiilt ( sing songy voice again with funny face)

as we have heard many times before

Good satire in the Times
Ld Pannick for it is he: we all know it isnt a court but we are saying it is. Have you read my memo ?
Boris lies: yes of course
Lr P .....
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But the point of the enquiry wasn’t to determine whether the parties happened and whether Johnson attended - we all know that they did and he did - he got fined.

The point of the enquiry is to determine whether he will fully and recklessly misinformed Parliament.

These are the charges he has to answer - and the point of the enquiry panel is to put the charges to him and for him to respond.

Douglas 11.04.. NO but I think he is married to her.
Trouble is Tora it wasn’t the crises that brought him down in the end: it was the Chris Pincher affair. One more “dropping his colleagues on it” and it proved too much.
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It’s not a kangaroo court. These proceedings are a central plank to our democratic process.

In what way is the enquiry a kangaroo court?
he was far from alone in declining to line up behind May

so? Tory leaders live by the dagger and die by the dagger. It's idle to suggest Boris was more sinned against than sinning.

I think Maxwell Fyfe was mostly earlier than the 60s. Probably back in the pre-Suez days when Tory politicians were all men of honour.
SP, I know what the proceedings were for - but if the 'central plank' of our democratic process is committees upon which people who have already condemned the accused reside, then farewell democracy. Just as well our courts of law aren't run on similar lines.
Whether it is Partygate or Pinchergate who cares
..... Good riddance..
jno, what do you mean by 'so'? You criticise his failure to support May but hardly anyone supported May - so how come you criticise him? I don't know why I asking really. I know the answer. It's because it is him.
sp: "In what way is the enquiry a kangaroo court? " - it was chaired by a known biased former labour leader For Funks Sake. It's like having a bent ref for a start.
Think Boris is the worst Pm the UK has had ,
since the days of TBW followed by the other two.
The chair of the enquiry has to be from the opposition party, or should they have found a biased tory to lead it?
"The chair of the enquiry has to be from the opposition party, or should they have found a biased tory to lead it? " - says who? Just get someone neutral.
Not a single MP voiced an objection when the Motion proposing Harriet Harman join the Committee was put to them.
Neutral in the eyes of who though, Tora?
dunno doug but there must be a more impartial MP than a former Labour leader! Gawd a Lib non dem would be better or an indy if there is one.
Corby, //Not a single MP voiced an objection when the Motion proposing Harriet Harman join the Committee was put to them. //

Accepting someone who has made no secret of her adverse opinion of says more about them than anyone else.

Perseverer, //The chair of the enquiry has to be from the opposition party, or should they have found a biased tory to lead it? //

Although an entirely independent body would be better, I've no objection to anyone chairing committees like this - as long as they haven't condemned the accused before the event - as Harman did. That surely can't be right in anyone's book - can it?

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