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Khandro | 10:49 Fri 28th Apr 2023 | News
95 Answers
Does anyone ponder why so many British passport holding Sudanese are in Sudan?
One chap on the front page of today's Telegraph is weeping because he had left his wife & son there when he boarded the plane.
He is described as a taxi-driver; I was wondering how a British taxi-driver can afford the time & money to take his family for a visit to Sudan, - any ideas please?
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//and therefore… what? they should just be abandoned to their fate? that would be a truly evil thing to do.//

WHY? (again) anyone living there who doesn't have the magical claim to be "British" is abandoned to their fate are they not?
You make your flippin' bed you damn well lie in it!
As for the former bus driver who was "forced" to leave his wife and child to an uncertain fate - well what a bloody coward! Who would leave their family in such circumstances? Even if he does have a British passport I don't think he has British values.
The UK passport states, "His/Her Britannic Majesty's Secretary of State requests and requires in the name of His/Her Majesty all those whom it may concern to allow the bearer to pass freely without let or hindrance and to afford the bearer such assistance and protection as may be necessary."

Does, "such assistance and protection as may be necessary", not include evacuation to the UK, as the result of civil war?
//Does, "such assistance and protection as may be necessary", not include evacuation to the UK, as the result of civil war?//

Of course it does - but should everyone entitled avail themselves of such if it means abandoning their loved ones?
damn savages...
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I have a feeling that the article is supposed to make Brits feel deep sympathy & a certain amount of guilt that enough isn't being done for one of their own, but things don't seem to add up here & this seems to be the best case the Telegraph can come up with for a story.
BTW - that inscription on the passport is a load of bull's droppings. Who in other countries cares what his/her Britannic Majesty's Secretary of State requires in the 21st century?
“ Even if he does have a British passport I don't think he has British values.”

you certainly do not davebro
oooooo burn burn me - idiot!
british citizens are not lemmings who exist to serve the state… the UK government has a duty of service to all those who are UK citizens. our government exists to serve us, not the other way around… a country which was arranged in the opposite way would be a fascist one and i would encourage anyone who agrees with davebro to move to Russia or perhaps Hungary… both are nearby countries which conduct themselves in a way that is far more consistent with your values and you will be much happier

a person who leaves the uk does not forego their connection to this place or the right to return if they want to… those who think they should need to really think about the human consequences in the real world
untitled - as a British passport holder who has been living in Sudan for years with a family - would YOU have left alone to come back to the UK? Be honest.
i don’t know davebro… i do not know how he was separated from his family so it is impossible for me to say what i would have done… families are however very often separated in circumstances of war… i truly hope that you or i never have the misfortune of experiencing it but if we did i imagine you would change your tune pretty quickly
// i imagine you would change your tune pretty quickly//

Your imagination is faulty
Still waiting to see what the SNP are doing to bring home these people.The SNP have fake embassies all over the world(as paid for by us Scottish and English taxpayers),surely they have also a fake embassy in the Sudan.If not,why not?Racism?
i truly hope that you never ever have to find out what it is actually likr to be caught in the middle of a war davebro i really do... i hope you are able to live out your days in comfort and ease without such a horrible thing ever touching you

the people in the OP are not so lucky unfortunately
I think if British passport holders choose to live in an unstable dangerous place like Sudan, they should bear the consequences.

I am with you on this. very cheap when they arent murdering each other.

You know in our gloorious days of EMpire, it was the anglo-egyptian Sudan? Days of Nasser, the Sudanese said no thanks, and the Egyptians left. And the murdering began. Do you remember Numeiry. you dont? it doesnt surprise me.

I tried to do an elective in Khartoum ( 1975) Theydidnt answer
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untitled; Looking at the photograph, he looks to me like a Ugandan (am I not supposed to say that?) as I suppose is his wife & child. He may have a British passport but he wants them all to live in Sudan where he prefers to be, eschewing British life & benefits (maybe ?)

I think we should know, bringing them back to what? These & surely many others are not trapped holiday-makers are they?
@15.34.Didnt Nasser also say that long in the future that there would only be five royal houses left-Diamonds,Hearts,Clubs,Spades,and the royal house of the United Kingdom.
KHANDRO, what is your nationality and how long have you been in Germany?

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