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The Missing Submersible

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breadstick | 08:31 Thu 22nd Jun 2023 | News
131 Answers
If the sub is not found in time will the operation continue to find the sub and the remains of those on board or will it be scaled down, I recall a caver trapped in a cave who couldn't be rescued and his body was left


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why is "aunt" in quotemarks? Lol. She is his aunt isn't she

i think the example is an instructive one. if you're silly enough to hand over £200k to climb into a deathtrap designed by a chancer and charlatan then perhaps don't make your kid get in with you.
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Someone mentioned that earlier, That's really sad.
This whole affair is absolutely tragic.

As I said before there is simply no amount of money that would tempt me to climb into that thing.

The only mercy here is that they would have been dead before their brains would even register what was happening.
Untitled - //
why is "aunt" in quotemarks? Lol. She is his aunt isn't she

i think the example is an instructive one. if you're silly enough to hand over £200k to climb into a deathtrap designed by a chancer and charlatan then perhaps don't make your kid get in with you. //

Everything that has never happened through history has been entirely caused by a spirit of adventure in a person, or persons.

This is just one more example.

We all have hindsight, and in view of the tragedy, we can tut and say they shouldn't have done it, and how foolish they were blah blah blah ...

But if the expedition had been a success, the media would be rightly congratulating them on their spirit of adventure which may have yielded more information about the tragic loss of the Titanic, and we would all have been pleased to get it.

We should not be too quick to condemn the adventurous, because adventures involve risk, and risk can end in tragedy - because without the spirit of adventure, we would still not know that America exists, that surgery can be performed with anesthetic, that a man can walk on the moon - the list is endless.
Untitled, I doubt very much that the father thought for a moment that they were climbing into a death trap. This is not the first expedition to the wreck of the Titanic by a very long way. Other companies offer it too. As I said earlier, the director of the film ‘Titanic’ has been thirty-three times and lived to tell the tale.
Only an idiot would embark on anything with a higher than average expectation of death as a result.

No-one embarks on any adventure thinking they are going to die.

They accept a degree of risk, that's what defines the activity as an adventure, but they see the risk as acceptable, and not that it is going to mean they will not survive.
As I said earlier, the director of the film ‘Titanic’ has been thirty-three times and lived to tell the tale.

as I often said, that is a complete no n sequitur, but hey this AB and so what?

rare events - altho I dont regard 1 - 33 as rare
take a chance of 1 in x then the chance of once or not at all is 3/x
here 3/33 or 1 in 10. - a run of 33 noes can occur if the chances of a yes is 1 in 10. No I dont have a ref

10% failure rate on each journey I wdnt regard as safe.

Everything that has never happened through history has been entirely caused by a spirit of adventure in a person, or persons.

what? I know this is AB, but even if it is "ever", it is wrong and / or invalid.

and so... Henry VIII never invented a marmalade sandwich and this was caused by his spirit of adventure - - righto!

carry on ABers !
You’ve missed picking up on some of my posts today, PP. you’re slipping… but well-spotted this time.
You wouldn't get me in a hot air balloon or on a ferris wheel or a roller coaster - yet thousands do and yet they do fall out or get killed on them. I have no sympathy for anyone who takes unnecessary risks. You may call them thrill seekers - I call them selfish morons who cause nothing but grief to their families. By all means do it but don't be surprised if it goes *** up.
^^^^ The way I see it is (though I guess we don't think about it) that we take a risk whenever we get on a bicycle, bus, train, plane, ferry, car/taxi, etc., even just crossing the road. We don't expect to be killed but we might as is proved every day.
PP - Foolishly I assumed that the intelligent reader would not apply the same reasoning to a sandwich as to sailing into the complete unknown.

But that does presume a level of intelligence, and as you are fond of saying, this is the AB, and it does have pointless nitpickers like you on it.
Adventurers give us something to opine on if nothing else, a change from Brexit or what dress to wear.

They were mental in the extreme though and the price has been high.
I cannot agree with Boris:
"Hamish Harding and his fellows were trying to take a new step for humanity, to popularise undersea travel, to democratise the ocean floor. They knew the dangers. In the immortal words of Captain Scott, just before he died from the Antarctic cold: ‘We took risks, we knew we took them; things have come out against us, and therefore we have no cause for complaint...’

Harding and his friends died in a cause — pushing out the frontiers of human knowledge and experience — that is typically British, and that fills me with pride."

I cannot see the 5 who perished as "pioneers". Time to let the Titanic rest in its fraught grave. Those who have survived viewing were fortunate. Condolences to the bereft families.
I don’t agree with Boris either. Scott was a true pioneer. This company is not.
I don't agree with Boris either.

This was not a ground breaking notable expedition, and his florid grandstanding does nothing to address the tragedy appropriately.
The old 'no such thing as bad publicity' should be borne in mind whenever the ex Gonk In Chief speaks.

Keep him in the public eye at all costs pending a Lazarus from the ditch like return.
But you’ve taken notice …. and you’re talking about him. Job done again then? Some gonk. ;o)
Scott didn't take tourists along for a megabuck ride, neither did Mallory ...

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