First of all, since I have been off air for 24h,I want to issue a General Apology to ABers - all of them.
Times carries reports which accept that men are deprived of accounts for political reasons.
which I judged previously to be as likely as our late lady liege sticking a hand out of her coffin and saying: "Ay I am nort dead you know".
I apologise for saying PEPs ( politically exposed person) are a load of old AB crap and instead do in fact exist. The banks make life difficult for them as they require more office work
I apologise for saying Banks would be mad to stop any account unless money laundering was a consideration
all of which I understand - are untrue - -oops
Coutts - Farage's Bank - has a branch oppo Charing Cross station - and you USED to have to have a credit of £50 000 to maintain an account. Now it is £1m innit?
and he didnt
and Farage saying that they didnt mind last week, I would rate as er weak.
How did they find all this out considering it is confidential - highly confidential - - - it was leaked. MI5 has also been ointing the finger ( the Times correspondent writes) at The Nige. presumably taking the Russian Rouble.
I am shocked
Hugo Rifkind writes in the Times. He says his father was famous ( surely not Joshua Rifkind, composer of Maple Rag?). So he is a PEP-hanger-on and it can be an absolute pain.
so sozza folks, double sozza - I just didnt think Banks cd be such rat-finks