Twitching & Birdwatching3 mins ago
Any Thoughts Or Opinion
3.000 hospital admissions per day of obesity related problems. More than 3 times smoking related.
There is nothing attractive about an obese person. Dieting is not rocket science, eat less junk and move more. Eating healthy is not expensive, which is the usual excuse trotted out. Frozen veg is cheap and just as nutritious as fresh. For example you could make a chicken casserole in a big slow cooker using frozen veg, potatoes and frozen chicken that will feed a family for about 3 days for a tenner. Just takes planning and a bit of effort.
Barry, I lost a stone last year and kept that off ok. The pain in my hip was initially caused by slipping as I got in the car (thought I had pulled a groin muscle), until then it had been giving me no trouble at all. Only after xrays did we find I had arthritis in it. I was intending to lose weight this year anyway, I just did it a bit quicker.
Well it would seem that Luvvie Sir Cliff has put up a bit of a black. He stated on a morning TV prog that he was given the opportunity to meet Elvis but suddenly turned it down because he didn't wan't to be photographed next to a fat Presley. Oh dear. There goes 50% of his collection of ladies knickers chucked on stage.
"///how do you know they were being mollified...perhaps it was a treat///
You were there of course, so leap to contradict as usual."
do you even know what mollified means ?...
you didnt say anything other than to suggest you assumed they were being unless you can provide any evidence that proves they were being mollified and it wasnt just a treat then your dont have a leg to stand on...and i'd bet you dont, but you used it to try and make a better case for your unfortunate for you, youve been called out, never mind