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Home & Garden3 mins ago
3.000 hospital admissions per day of obesity related problems. More than 3 times smoking related.
No nicebloke - obesity is what it is! is not always the case!
Corby thanks for the link - a quick (very quick read of it) it seems to be illness that can also affect those of a healthy weight - so I would really like to see how the break it down to the obesity model.
Jinnyjoan - how many years ago was that - attitudes thank goodness have hopefully changed.
There are many reasons for someone being 'obese' which are far more nuanced than the usual view of the person being a 'greedy pig with a face full of cream cake'.
More targetted help needs to be given to people struggling with eating disorders and more support offered to those trying to find better, healthy ways to cook and create balanced meals for their families.
There is only one reason for obesity, a positive calorie balance. End of. All the other BS excuses just boil down to that. Now as someone less than svelte myself I know it's easier said than done for many to not consume more than they expend but thats not any sort of mystery. In many ways we choose to be fat in the sameway smokers choose to be addicted to nicotine. Loosing weight is easy all the diets are basically novel ways of cutting calorie intake they all work if you stick to them but that's the rub. It's hard to stick to an oppressive routine when you don't have to. Remember there were no fat people in Belsen.