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Interesting, Isn't It?

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jackthehat | 09:51 Mon 15th Apr 2024 | News
100 Answers

There was so much heat and light generated when it was thought that a murderous Islamist was on a rampage. It's all gone a bit quiet since it has been confirmed that he specifically targeted women and the only man he killed was a hard-working muslim (added irony there, I think).

Misogyny is a growing evil in the world.

Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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untwist the alans andy it was a pun on the typo "Balmed" - balm is rubbed in, geddit? There was also a smiley face to further indicate. Pity you are so contorted with rage this afternoon.

//As far as I am concerned, any post on any thread, has never, and can never 'stop' the conversation from going where it will.//

No, but it can take away from valid points that it otherwise could've made. Anyway, enough from me.

Mozz - Wrong again. 

People read what they choose to read, and respond if they wish, and ignore if they don't.

This notion that I, or anyone else, can sway threads one-way or another is fiction.

Interesting post, Jackthehat and I agree 100% with 'Misogyny is a growing evil in the world'.

"What are you doing to combat the rise of misogyny?"

Would love to hear any suggestion you may have to promote any help we can provide.

P.S. Unfortunately, it seem's this thread has been derailed by a few posters who have personal boring points to score, but a serious subject.


It is a serious subject.

It comes from mindsets where people pick up a distorted view and adopt it without thinking through what they are now using as a moral compass.

As a child, like all children, I grew up thinking that my dad's version of the world was the definitive one - the one I could live by as an adult.

By the time I was an adult, I had rejected every single life lesson he tried to give me.

He was a bully, a misogynist, a bigamist, a wife beater, a child abuser, a racist, a homophones, you name anything a man and a father should not be, he was it. 

I have spent my adult life jumping all over prejudice wherever I find it, as my history on here shows. 

Too many men adopt neanderthal attitudes, it's time that vicious circle was broken. 

I'd more like to hear from the post author, AH, and stay on subject.

What are you telling me for?

Jack will post if and when she chooses, I have no influence over her, or anyone else on here.

"What are you telling me for?"


Well, obviously trying to say I would rather stay on subject of what the poster is asking and the thread rather than your grunts.

I don't do 'grunts', I post like you do.

Then please stay on subject Andy, be nice!

Peagusus  - You've been here a couple of months.

I've been here twenty-four years.

When I need advice on how to behave, I may eventually get to you, but don't hold your breath.

wow, how arrogant!


Why are you so bitter and nasty?


Anyway, stop flooding this interesting thread about you! 

I don't respond well to rudeness.

Your off-thread provocation is just that.

As such this exchange is over.

-- answer removed --


I've been here twenty-four years. - - and if I havent, it must seem like it to  others.... hur hur hur

Strikes me as an obvious Incel - no not  Andy - - - Cauchi. The Cauchi parents were dignified and seems to have the usual refrain ( or er "dance") - " we knew he was ill and no one did anything"

ah // I don't respond well to rudeness. [ you bet]

Your off-thread provocation is just that.

As such this exchange is over.//

And so, the next post (I don't know by whom, but I can guess) a few seconds later is removed. If you andy-hughes do not have the power to do that, who did?


Khandro - // And so, the next post (I don't know by whom, but I can guess) a few seconds later is removed. If you andy-hughes do not have the power to do that, who did? //

The simple answer is - any Moderator, or member of the Editorial team.

I am keen not to let the thread be sidetracked by moderation queries, so I hope we can leave the subject there.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Oh no, its not another "I'm right and you're wrong" thread by Mod Almighty is it?  Tedious.

some people await his immortal prose with - um, er baited breath

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