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Why can't we all get on?

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Emma1984 | 02:36 Wed 18th Oct 2006 | News
126 Answers
I have not been here long but get increasingly frustrated by the unhelpful and almost racist comments of some people on here.

Why can't all the people in this country live in peace. To constantly pick on muslims is very unfair. They only came here for a better life and I think it is the duty of all British people to ensure that they integrate as best as possible.

We should all go along to our local mosque and ask what we can do to help the muslim community. Maybe we could give them financial help or prey along side them to give them some sort of comfort during their hardship due to the narrow minded bigots in this country.

Perhaps it would help if people better understood islam. Maybe it would be good if islam was taught in our schools. I think that this would help us to understand muslims better and make for a better and more understanding society.

If we don't act now, we risk inflaming the extremists muslims. Better to spiritually connect with those that would advocate terrorism and try to lure them away from extremism.


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You wrote:

over the years, we've had African, West Indians, Jews, Chinese etc, a complete mix of religeoun and nationalities, and they have all, without fail, lived within the laws of this country, without trying to change it.</>

However, that didn't stop the NF and latterly the BNP from attacking these communities!!!

Doesn't matter if the Muslim community intergrated themselves right up to the eyeballs, there are a minority of people in this country who will never accept them.

just out of curiousity vehelpfulguy, you don't happen to have the names of the muslims that were convicted for blowing up said underground trains, do you?
Just want to throw something out here...when people refer to 'British culture and tradition', are you talking exclusively about white tradition and culture.

C'mon - let's be honest here...because I think it also encompasses curries on a Friday night, getting plastered at the Notting Hill Carnival, enjoying a meal in China town after seeing a film in the west end...etc...

But from what I read, I'm beginning to think that this isn't the general view.

Are we talking about preserving white cultural identity, or British cultural do you differentiate the two and what does 'British' mean to you?

...coz if it's what I think you mean (white rather than British), it means that I as a black man am not invited to the party.

...which would be a shame, as I have new shoes.
Sp1814.... You're invited to any party I ever have.

But take your shoes off first, I've just had the lino done.
vhelpfulguy.....conveniently forgets the illegal Iraqi war which was the direct reason for the muslim disenchantment that led to the 7/7/ bombs. The scum that did it died in the bargain but many others have been arrested.

sp1814 i got the answer to a question raised many moons are a bloke.

This demonisation of muslims has to end. It will when this excuse of a PM is hounded out of office. His legacy for 10 years of rule has been to divide what has been a happy and flourishing country into sectarian ghettos where people live in fear.
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dom tuk - Ill ask again, do you thik we should all go down to the local mosque, well then surley muslims should go to a church? no? BTW what was the justification for 9/11 then, as the US nor us were at war then. stop making excuses for serial killers.
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China Doll

Socks? On lino?

Are you insane? If I slip and break an arm, I'll expect you to pay my hospital bills.

But of the bigger problems we face is that the majority (and I'm happy to be proven wrong here) don't have many close Muslim mates? Is that true?

If it is, then the only exposure you're getting to Muslims is what you read in the papers...which is overwhelmingly negative.

Emma touches on something that is valid...if we actually knew Muslims personally, we wouldn't be so prone to paint them all with this horrible media brush.

I know Muslims...some are great mates, some are boring, three of them are nerds and one of them is so irritating that he makes me want to put my head through a plate glass window.

None of them are anything like what we see in the papers.

Just like us.
Dom Tuk

Thank you...I've just checked the contents of my underwear and I concur...I am indeed a bloke.

There can never be any justification for killing innocent people Addy but this was an act committed by extremists, not all muslims are like that in the same way that not all catholics from Northern Ireland are in the IRA.

Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea for any faith to get to know other faiths... personally, I think the more we know about another culture/religion (actually most things really) the less we are afraid/unsure of it.

(Sigh...This whole argument reminds me of the song 'Didn't bleed red' by Terrorvision)
< Throws Sp1814's invitation in the bin >

Pah... ungrateful wretch.
Anotherold git, I'm with you. What's this demonstration outside a Cathedral with placards saying ''Islam will conquer Rome'' that Ann Widicombe mentioned on the TV yesterday ? How come I've seen nothing about it elsewhere and howcome the presenter of the prog said ,hastily, ''We must move on now'' ? I'll tell you why, Muslims are sacrosant in most of the media and especially the BBC. Let's hear the Truth, It is the Muslims who won't integrate, not us.
To all the posters who seem to hate muslims because of acts of terrorism (by a tiny, tiny minority of lunatic extremeists - do you feel the same about catholics? I only ask because the catholic IRA was responsible for many terrirst outrgaes in this country. The 'logic' you apply to muslims should also apply to catholics.
But those catholics were white!!!!!!!!
Hal... I've said this about the IRA twice now. No one has answered. Don't hold your breath.
answer my question Dom
The IRA example is a good one. I have said this before...

A family member of mine was blown up by an IRA pub bomb ~ and not once have I or any of my family stated we hate Catholics..or Irish people in general (after all, you cannot tell their religion just by looking at them anyway ;o)

Terrorists I hate...but that has nothing whatsoever to do with their colour or religion.
sp1814, I have to agree with the gist of what you say, eg, the BNP and their forebears are odious to the extreme, and I would, and do, protest against them, as I do against any body, religous or otherwise, that want to take away the freedome the I, and my British anscestors fought for, and I do know, that is is only a minority of Muslims that are causing all the trouble, but they, and I talk about the ones that practice Sharia law more than others, that are doing all the damage.

If they would just shut up and get on with their lives, we could get on with ours.

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