SP, I think, and only think, Whiffey may be of the same breed as myself.
I would advocate I have no ill feeling to any race, sexuality or wotnot in the world. Yes, I don't much care for the bloody French, Germans, Spainish, Japs and especially the Australians, but on the whole I do not really wish them much harm.
Likewise when it comes to colour of ones skin, I hold no prejudice or intolerance. Sexuality does not bother me (not a huge fan of bisexuals but gaylords and lezzas are fine in my book.
And even regarding religion, I am fairly open minded to all religions but one. A Christian myself, I accept that other people have their own belief systems but can not be accepting of Islam.
Up until a few years ago, I could say what I wanted about a religion, but now, solely due to muslims, there are religious laws, much the same as race laws. Now because I do not like muslims I am a BNP supporter in the eyes of the marxists.
I hate muslims with a passion. They are evil, backward thinking monsters. It is a vicious way of life to anybody but a male muslim aged over 15 when they are considered to old to sexually abuse in the name of allah.
I, like whiffey, have only this anti-stance.
I have never seen you bit so hard SP. The wider picture is because you are a coloured gaylord yourself (two minorities I happily embrace) it does not mean you have to defend muslims. I know one can group together all minorities and forms of prejudice in one box and fight the corner collectively, but England has moved on from "The Life on Mars" style of public policy.
There is only one ill wind in Englands multi-cultural, multi-sexual, multi buy one get one free society, and that is the face of mohammed and his boyfriend allah taking over our once green and pleasant lands.