Why is still happening in 2009? in The AnswerBank: News
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Why is still happening in 2009?

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sp1814 | 17:56 Wed 14th Oct 2009 | News
24 Answers
Shouldn't this have stopped happening by now:


or aren't we as 'hip and tolerent' as we'd like to think we are?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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How did the attacker know the victim was a homo? Maybe their should be a law about flaunting your sexuality in public. Just a few years ago Gilian Tailforth of Eastenders was prosecuted for doing a lude act in a car so it can also apply to all deviants.
08:26 Thu 15th Oct 2009
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'sniffing' should be 'snogging'.

Damn spellchecket.
Totally out of order, hope they are caught and sentenced for a very long time

Can`t help but notice the bloke murdered looks very much like Dick Emery...."Ooh you are awful"
sp1814, if you want some homophobic filth to get your blood boiling, try this


The original headline said something like 'There was nothing 'natural' about this death', but the Mail appears to have hastily changed that.

Notee that even the bloggers on the Mail site are appalled.
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I've just read some of the posts on the Daily Mail website. Overwhelmingly they are critical of Moir.

She has badly misjudged the public mood. If she had any journalistic integrity she should apologise. The link between Stephen Gately death and civil partnerships is crass and ridiculous.

The Daily Mail has sunk to new depths.

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