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If a pill could be found that prevented the birth of homosexuals, would it be widely used?

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anotheoldgit | 16:53 Mon 16th Aug 2010 | News
192 Answers

/// Dr Dreger and her colleagues are concerned that medical attempts to prevent homosexuality will arise in the future if sexual orientation is found to be determined by human biology.///

/// 'Evidence that homosexual orientation is inborn, could very well lead to new means of pathologisation [treating it like a medical condition] and prevention,' they warned in a recent paper.///


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Glad to have amused you doc. Here's another joke:

Q: How do you make a bigot laugh?
A: Suggest they're a bigot.
What an awful thought, it surely can't be tested in the way one can test a foetus for Downs syndrome, anyway. Live and let live, some homosexuals repress their feelings and prior to their final "coming out" may have borne two or three children. A work collegue of mine had two lovely children before admitting that she was a lesbian at heart.
saxy_jag my old gay mate has stayed on the dole for years and works at all the pop festivals for cash in hand. He takes his gay mates and fixes therm up with jobs and they all work cash in hand .
You don't have to be straight to be bent :)
askyourgran, AOG wouldn't know what a Lesbian was as he has led such a sheltered existence all his life.
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Lol Red, they probably disguised as chavs. Not that he'd know what they were.

I think people are arguing with your opinion rather than having a go at you personally.

Some people have no issue with gay parents. Some do.

Neither side will ever agree with the other, and there's no compromise on it.

At the end of the day, it's an unwinnable argument on both sides.
I have read that 20% of all living organisms are homosexual . If that is true ( and the actual percentage is irrelevant ) where does this God thing fit in with the overall scheme.
Why would a creator create organisms that are unable to reproduce. With humans it has always been a subject of controversy which has its value, but with all lower organisms , what's the point ?
Always an exception, reefer, I guess.

@Doc - thanks a lot. You've clearly proved my point for me!
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Make that 7 exceptions
hmmm. Red-heads seem to get a bit of stick in this life. If there was a pill that would ensure your children didn't have red hair, even if its parents did, would you take it to spare them unnecessary hassle? Assuming there were no side-effects or risks? How about a pill that would ensure your kids were 6 feet tall? Height isn't necessary, but it is useful in life. We do this sort of 'genetic engineering' with dogs and horses. Why not humans?
I can't think of one gay friend who given a choice would not have preferred to be born straight...they mostly accept their lifestyle as something that is natural to them but would all admit life would have been easier if it wasn't that way...they would probably accept a treatment for their children to ensure they didn't have to grow up with the same issues with the cruel, ignorant and uninformed and their pathetic prejudices... ..
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AOG needs to get a life Rowan, never seen such a miserable and depressing Poster in all my life ! Where on earth have you been all your life AOG , stuck in a time warp........
It is the term used by most of the gays I used for the heterosexuals it comes from a theory regarding language manipulation whereby if a group succeeds in taking over ownership of a derogatory term they remove or devalue its use as a weapon against them hence the adoption of bent...with the counter argument that the others are straight...the ability to bend however implies flexibility with straight carrying the negative concept of rigidity...
rowanwitch, that's sort of what I had in mind by comparing it with height. People who are 5ft 8in aren't unhappy or anything, they're not abnormal or unnatural and they don't have a 'condition', but if they'd had a choice they would probably have chosen to be taller.
I really wish I could dive in and get all aggressive sometimes but then reason flies out the window...I think we need the warrior princesses to sort the men out ....
Interesting point from rowanwitch, and this thread does seem to enforce your point.

Why would anyone choose a life as a 'minority' in a society which fears and despises anything or anyone it does not understand and which does not comform to its own rigid rules of 'normality'.

As my daughters entered puberty, I considered the concept that any or all of them could be gay, and wheras I love my children utterly unconditionally, I braced myself for the additional love and support that they were going to need, living in a worldsurrounded by biggots and nasty fools, and hoping that they find love with the person of their choice, regardless of sexuality, intelligence, height, eye-colour, or any other of the Nazi-ist conformist rules we still enforce on others - to our eternal shame.
Sonny jim has given a good answer notice the word nazi-ist, people forget all to soon the people who fought for our freedom.

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If a pill could be found that prevented the birth of homosexuals, would it be widely used?

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