10pm tonight , if they will go for a no fly-zone
personally I wish DC would keep his beak out altogether
we can't afford this deployment with all the savage cuts he is making
The US, UK, France, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Gabon, Lebanon, Nigeria, Colombia, South Africa and Portugal voted to approve the resolution, while China, Russia, Brazil, Germany and India abstained.
another conflict on foreign soil and we are involved,
DC is having an emergency meeting with his Cabinet this morning and he's going to make a statement afterwards.Mad Dog will come down heavier than ever now on those that have opposed his 30+ years iron fisted regime, I fear for ordinary Libyans in all of this
"another conflict on foreign soil and we are involved"
It's not actually Bobbi, it's everything but ground troops! I doubt we'll have anyone on foreign soil at all! Above it, yes, but not on it!
Personally? I support these actions, the rebels need all the help they can get. It is very tempting to say we should "keep our beaks out" but the world is too small for that, Libya are near enough our neighbours, we need to help these people out.
I agree Bibble, far too late. Whatever you say about Blair, he was good enough to help out in Bosnia when they needed it. That made you fee proud to be British. Blair would have been in there like a shot.
I know Bobbi, I was only having a poke!
As a nation who has supported the subjugation of the people of Libya for many years I think we owe them this. Gaddaffi is killing people anyway, you think us getting involved will make it worse?
just been watching what the strategists are saying about this and the whole idea of this 'conflict' is to take Gadaffi out?
reminiscent of Saddam Hussein?
I would like to see the Arab league, who are involved btw,to be seen as the front runners here and not the West, who are the bad boys to most Islamic countries
Why should we take sides in another countries civil war?
These are not innocent civilians they are armed militia.
AB Editor, do you really think that there will only be aerial combat?
If so will this be a matter of shooting Gaddafi's air-force out of the skies or could it also include a little targeted bombing, and we all know where that leads don't we?
We don't want to fight but by jingo if we do
We've got the planes, we've got the men, we've got the money too...
After all the cuts have we enough planes to enforce a no-fly zone?
People make me laugh who think that oil shouldn't be a consideration when make these decisions. Of course it should and quite right too. WHat would happen to our economies if oil supply is disrupted for any length of time? Utter chaos that's what. These people will be first to complain at sky hight fuel prices and raging inflation. THey live in cloud cuckoo land.
of cause the oil situation has to be taken into account, I realize this and I know we are held to ransom by it but he sabotages the oil supplies to the West, what then?
we won't be the ones doing it, I have stated, we are reliant on the oil rich states for our supply, it's an old adage but it's probably right, Keep your friends close and your enemies, closer
If - as we seem to be - we are the country who will come in and defend innocent civilians who wish for regime change and we will use military force to stop an evil dictator from opresing his people ...
Isn't Robert Mugabe ahead in this particular queue?