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mibn2cweus | 20:02 Wed 09th Apr 2008 | Phrases & Sayings
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22:12 Wed 09th Apr 2008
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I�ve always been exploratory and experimental with the music I listen to. Having learned the philosophical significance of music has not diminished this practice. I am however more careful and evaluative of what I choose to listen to. The importance of this has been made clear to me in some of my darkest hours when a reevaluation of my listening practices steered me away from music the drove me towards contemplations of suicide or (to some extent) insanity.

In spite of my experiences I have not developed a fear of music and am perfectly willing to push the boundaries I now understand well. I�ve always tended towards music I can surrender to and immerse myself within completely, with lights out, the volume relatively high from a sound system that provides a minimum standard of good audio quality which in my case with obsessive deliberation I have been able to assemble well within the margins of extravagant expense.

I am not partial to a specific genre although among those I tend to gravitate towards the least I have almost invariable found exceptions. I have a diverse assortment of preferred artists many of which are based on just a few of their songs, and am always looking for something new and different.
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That said, getting back to the subject of accounting for taste, I think it has a great deal to do with where and with whom you were with and what you were doing at the time that makes ones musical preferences a highly personal matter. I do not strongly object to Iggy or his music but I do have an unpleasant association with an experience with one of his fans and do not have any memorably pleasant associations with listening to his music. This is not to say attending one of his past concerts might have made this a different story, although I tend to doubt it. Overall David�s music tends to unnerve me and put me in a guarded state of mind. There are however situations where I can imagine I would not feel a profound need to get up and change the station and could possibly actually get into the song if not the spirit of the song.

Nevertheless, if you love David and/or his music, I love you none the less for it . . . but you could not possibly have failed to notice that he was in fact singing about his . . . �China Girl� . . .
Yes, I noticed ........ after I enjoyed and sang along with There's a starrrrmann waiting in the sky....... Thank you for that - because there is you know. ;o)

Music has a profound effect on me. I like gentle music and simply adore Puccini .... I can float away with him at any time of the day or night. Anything harsh or rough upsets my equilibrium totally. I can seriously feel it grating on my insides as it plays, and I find it difficult to think straight. Aaaarghhh! Not good.

Well, time for bed, I think. Goodnight. sleep tight. x

Just wandered in to answer a question of Naomi's... The Ed doesn't always answer but the Spare Ed does if sufficiently nagged. ;0)

I'm very grumpy this weekend so I'll not linger and inflict my mood on others though!
Thanks China. I don't really mind them not answering emails - I very rarely email them - I think I've only done it twice in all the time I've used AB - but when I do it's for an important reason and I just wish they'd do what they're asked. It also bugs me when messages which ought to be for all users are posted in chatterbank, where many people never go. And now they say they are launching AB2. Oh, oh! The mind boggles!

Right, moan over. What's up to make you grumpy?
Well Spare Ed says AB2 is definitely not a mirage but until then they lack the technology to do anything about 'eggs that aren't so good' ( taken from my expression which I thought sounded better than 'complete t1t heads!) I made a very unsubtle point last night by emailing one abusive thread after another until the final one explained I hadn't gone loopy but was trying to make a subtle point about the aggressiveness of some users and that I wasn't entirely sure weekend moderation was quite up to scratch and that I rather hoped this wouldn't continue on the new model. I don't mind banter and debate but full on bullying and rudeness is just beyond the pale.

I made a bit of a glaring boo boo on the old finances Naomi, not awful or anything but enough for me to have to phone the bank and explain that I'd gone overdrawn because I was a dunderhead and not because I didn't care. Worse thing is, I went on a shopping spree two days before realsiing my error... looked at the wrong bit of me balance, doh! Plus it was valentines day and despite the fact that I generally don't care about being single and quite in fact like it plus hating mass media hype holidays, it would still have been nice to get a card! (Yes, I know, 'cake and eat it' spring to my mind too!) Like I said, just grumpy ;0)
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China, Shameful omission on my part. I will try to find something that in some small way demonstrates what I believe you deserve in the coming days, weeks and month's. :o(

You did eventually find your b-day prezzy . . . didn't you? If not I will attempt to break into the old place when such becomes possible and mail it to you.
Easy done, China, but a bummer nevertheless. Never mind. It's done, so it's not worth worrying about.

Ah ha! This is the girl who isn't romantic! Yea, right, China! Well, all I can say is those guys must be fools, but if it's any consolation - (and I'm sure it's not) - we love you.

Night everyone - and much love to you, not only for today, but for yesterday too. Mwah! x
Hello folks, found you again! It's pointless asking you a question, as I probably won't get back for a long time, such is life.
Anyway, just wanted you all to know that you are all in my thoughts, and I look forward to the day when I have the time and health to come back and debate and talk etc. Miss you all. God bless! Just going to have a roam around AB for 10 mins then back to the black hole.
Theland, what are you up to and what's going on? If you're wandering around AB for 10 minutes, you have time to get back here and tell us.
China, sorry, my brain wasn't up to discussing Chatterbank abusers last night. I read some of those threads at times, and can hardly believe what I'm reading. There are certainly some very odd people around - and some with such an assortment of names. Why do they do that? Most of the people there seem quite nice, but there are some I wouldn't want to know in real life, that's for sure. They say there's more out than in, and I think some of the Chatterbank users confirm that. Unbelievable! Quite scary really.
Starman, just watched the Sam video, and I agree with every word he says. What a rational man he is. I would love to be among his live audience. I wonder if he ever lectures in England? Should the link be posted in R&S do you think?
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A rational man on the other side of the pond . . . go figure! ;o)

I had considered posting it in your "The End of Faith" thread but I didn't want to divert attention from the question at hand. You are certainly welcome to post it whenever, wherever, however you find appropriate.

I just asked you about whether you'd watched it in an e-mail. I'm glad you got to see it.
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China, you got mail.

Theland, Thanks for the hello!
OK, I'll post it in R&S - although how many will bother to watch 1 hour 9 minutes remains to be seen. They ought to though - they might learn something.
I went figured. There's obviously more at home like you. ;o)
I just got an email from Theland. He says he isn't well, and has family problems. He says he won't be back here for a while. I don't know what's wrong, but I've emailed back to ask him, and will let you know if I hear from him.
Can you tell him to stay in touch with Bathsheba too please as she worries if she doesn't hear from him for a while? Ta! Hope he's alright.
Awww shucks.... thanks for my slide show Mibs! :c)

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