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mibn2cweus | 20:02 Wed 09th Apr 2008 | Phrases & Sayings
817 Answers
Are you unhappy and upset and believe that some important knowledge crucial to living a joyful life has been denied you? Find the missing piece of the puzzle you've been seeking all your life here


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42 :)
22:12 Wed 09th Apr 2008
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And even more - you can scratch your ears with your toes too!
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Ouch indeed. I can't get into that, Starman. I clicked and it tells me I'm forbidden. Whatever can it mean? ;o)
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Oh boy! I'm impressed Luna - but the mind boggles somewhat!!

Starman, is there nothing you can do about me being forbidden? I'd like to know WHY I am forbidden. Did I not try hard enough? Luna, did you try the link? We're you forbidden too?

I just watched a Tom Cruise movie called Vanilla Sky. Anyone seen it - and if so, your opinions please. I thought it was quite brilliant.

Night everyone. x
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I have just booked tickets to see Elbow at Wembly Arena in a couple of weeks.

For the heathens amongst you this is one of their most beautiful songs for you to enjoy! :c)
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Err..... I've ever heard of Elbow, but I listened. Dour, dreary and depressing I'd call it.

Lots of love from a Heathen.
Nighty night. x
A day off work today to babysit and accompany my wife to the hospital for start of physio for her neck and shoulder.
This new laptop is too popular with the kids and I can never get on it.
Going to look up Bible refs for Naomi regarding the timeline.
Later -
Daniel 8:14 onwards and 9:24 onwards.
These translate from the Jewish calndar to our calendar with accuracy.
Theland, I've looked at those texts. What exactly are you saying translates from the Jewish calendar with accuracy? I don't understand what you mean. Can you explain please?

Maybe you should treat yourself to another laptop - and keep it just for yourself.
Oh dear, Birds Eye Chicken Pie is at it again - and I can't stop laughing. Of course, I'm quite aware that I'm laughing on my own, with wisps of tumbleweed flying about my ears, but nevertheless, I'm laughing. Whoops, almost committed the ultimate sin there - nearly spilt my wine! Oh, what fun we have..........which leads me to your question for tonight.

Are people really that pathetic - and are there more out than in? Well, that's two questions really, but I'm sure you, with your elegant and brilliant minds, can cope.

Early, I know, but since you lot have gone to ground - or at the very least are doing something far more exciting than talking to me on AB, I shall now say goodnight - and, of course, wish you all the most beautiful dreams. Mwah. x
Chicken Pie? :-S
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Must be referring to the eight-winged fowl . . .

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