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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 21st May 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
162 Answers
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Good evening and welcome everyone.
How wonderful it is to return to dear old Blighty after a short sojourn in foreign parts.
Lordalex and I have had a restful holiday but we are always glad to return home to roost in our own home which has been so lovingly looked after by our ancient retainers.

The wine cellar seems a little depleted, but worry not, dear friends, we are expecting a new shipment very soon, so no need to hold back on the tailcocks.

I do hope that all went well during our absence and that there were no incidents involving the emergency services. (I have not had time to access the minute book.)

We have brought back with us several treats for the raffle:

A string of garlic
A stripey jersey
A beret
A tin of escargots (within date)

I look forward to tonight's talk, which I believe to be entitled :
'Lancashire Peelers, what are they for ?'
or was it
'Lancashire Heelers, what are they ?'
Time will tell, no doubt.


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Thank you Tony...I think.

Alba, you are a saint. Have you sent the speaker on his way ? I think you have passed on all there is to know about his topic.
Oh i have lit some incense, white musk scented, hope you all don't mind..

Oh and i have a bottle of apple flavoured mickey finns for the raffle
The tailcocks have got stars in them or are they making me see stars, can't quite tell at the moment. Just going to the kitchen to make a cup of tea, perhaps that will help me recover. Be back later.
Yes Star The Golden Stars* had added Star appeal.

Milady I can guarantee that TonyV qualifies both on age grounds and indeed a level of madness.
Put him back where I found him LadyA :)

Moat might get murky again tho, his language was quite anglo-saxon :)

Star, Lemon and ginger tea has been suggested to me. (Still haven't tried it but it sounds like an adventure)
I didnt know the good Lady employed a moat cleaner, perhaps that snobbish Tory MP (Moat Pizzer)
Question Author
Would you like to apply for the position of moat cleaner, DT ?
Alexanderd has been very efficient, but is a little hors d'combat at the moment, so we could do with a temp.

The current occupant of the moat is in there accidentally due to being weighed down with Lancashire Peelers.
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Thank you for vetting TonyV, Mamya. He can therefore be allowed to imbibe your tailcocks at his own risk.
mamy - thankyou for qualifing my saneness - can I have one of those nice blue sweets again?
It is not quite meds time yet Tony, will be round with the trolley soon.
Lady - when will the talk begin?
Dt a little help would be appreciated I am sure we can work out the financial arrangements(LadyA pricks up ears)
Tony Mamya's blue sweets last for 12 hours.

Well, I presume they last the same length of time as those naughtly little biscuity types :)
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DO keep up, Tony...the speaker fell into the moat, Alba hauled him out and gave us a precis.

I have the forms to hand for DT, alexanderd. Be sure to detain him when he next pops in.
if of approriate dimension, I might but consider.......
If that was a precis I am glad we didnt hear the whole talk
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What would you consider an appropriate dimension, DT ?

Kno w where you're coming from , alexanderd (NE isn't it ?)
We really must make more of an effort to get better speakers. It's the porridge oats man next week.......
Porridge Oats??? does that mean I need to brush up on my Scottish. (Och Aye the noo, see you, jimmy)
the number of £ coins across the moat bridge ad accomodation in the moat keepers hut peut etre? Vous auriez quelqu'un qui peut parler le francais aux visiteurs, Madame.
I looked under his kilt once, it grewsome :)

He's the cousin of the Jolly Green big person I think

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