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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 25th Jun 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
161 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Welcome one and all to our club.

Many thanks to Mamyalynne for stepping into the breach last week whilst lordalex and I gallivanted and capered. (Or did she step into the breech ? As long as she did not step into the breeches)
I see from the minutes that all went well and there were no unauthorised visits to the wine cellar...

As the excitement of Midsummer Day begins to evaporate, it is to be hoped that all Members are re-invigorated for the dark nights now looming ahead of us.

So far, prizes accumulated for tonight's raffle are:

Half a tin of Duraglit (most of the pre-used bits removed)

Four candles

Packet of five two finger Kitkats

No doubt the usual sumptuous array of drinks and nibbles will arrive shortly


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Excuse me! It's true that I was blindfolded, but mamya assured me it wasn't a whip...

Very well, Daisy - if only to find out what alex's Saturday thing is!

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Quite a few decibels there, your Maj.
Ooh, that's right done me throat in, that has... more Krush, silver-plate!
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Perhaps Mamya can soothe your throat with one of her 'remedies' ?
it seems that the castle is becoming some what bawdy,where are my meds matron?
That was really lovely. A credit to you. Or do you collect Brownie points?
Good heavens, heard you in the Orchard then.
ladylex - totally irregular but he never scared the horses
If anyone finds out what my Saturday thing is can you let me know please as there isnt much of Saturday left and I dont want to miss it
Mmmm, brownies - dribble, drool...

If mamya can tear herself away from whatever's drawing her to the orchard, any chance of a few nibbles?
Oops! Almost let myself out of the bag there - chocolate ones, of course...
Right everyone have just done some deep fried Scampi, served with fresh lemon and home made tartare sauce.
Petal, you need meds so early, will get the trolley.
Alexanderd, just been out for a cigar & found your tandum at the elephant enclosure somewhat misshapened
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Scamps , yum yum I like a young scamp.
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Has someone welded another wheel on to your unicycle, alexanderd ?
or have we had intruders
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Oh no, not again , petals ...
search the grounds for intruders
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Well I've had a good look round and I cannot see anyone...
Not mine petal its a unicycle

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