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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 25th Jun 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
161 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Welcome one and all to our club.

Many thanks to Mamyalynne for stepping into the breach last week whilst lordalex and I gallivanted and capered. (Or did she step into the breech ? As long as she did not step into the breeches)
I see from the minutes that all went well and there were no unauthorised visits to the wine cellar...

As the excitement of Midsummer Day begins to evaporate, it is to be hoped that all Members are re-invigorated for the dark nights now looming ahead of us.

So far, prizes accumulated for tonight's raffle are:

Half a tin of Duraglit (most of the pre-used bits removed)

Four candles

Packet of five two finger Kitkats

No doubt the usual sumptuous array of drinks and nibbles will arrive shortly


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we could burn some corks if only we had some, check the cellar Mamy, screw tops or corks?
Only if m'lady has quashed the noise abatement order...

...And if I can get another of those Krushy doo-dahs from mamya before she blends into the scenery!
I can Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
More Krazy Krush coming up, me blend into the background, never!
have just jetted in from the Riviera - am able to contribute a hangover (severe) a load of combustable grass clippings and several bent utensils - am I welcome?
all hail,
sorry so late,was held at bay by King Cnute or was it Kong? Mamya looked great in her breeches last week & the bull whip.
have brought along a part used pack of Scottish oats,Bigs only eats Welsh oats,a 2 pronged pick with only 1 prong & a pear tree
Always welcome, how did you bend your utensils, sounds painful.
petal, a joy as always.
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I think we have a partridge somewhere, petals. That should go nicely with your pear tree.

Lovely to see you again, by the way. Any alien abductions lately ?
an unfortunate incident with one of the under valets
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I hesitate to ask about the bull whip, Mamya...but what did you do with the bull whip last week ?
For goodness sake! Are you a lion or a mouse? Growl gently then. Don't you want to have fun? You need to help Alex anyway, He needs his Saturday thing.
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Was he a regular staff member, carmalee, or a temp ?
no,M'lady,very quiet here lately,we've been cut off (road closed,gas mains being fiddled with,or so 'they say'
LadyA better not to ask about the bullwhip but his Maj has been purring all week!!
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Alexanderd's Saturday thing ?

whatever can you mean by that..
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oooh, nasty...I've never liked having my gas fiddled with
Even I dont know what she means
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I used to get a Saturday penny...
The navvy who only works on Saturday. Or did he mean Navy? No one on the moat tonight.

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