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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 25th Jun 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
161 Answers
The Club is now Open.

Welcome one and all to our club.

Many thanks to Mamyalynne for stepping into the breach last week whilst lordalex and I gallivanted and capered. (Or did she step into the breech ? As long as she did not step into the breeches)
I see from the minutes that all went well and there were no unauthorised visits to the wine cellar...

As the excitement of Midsummer Day begins to evaporate, it is to be hoped that all Members are re-invigorated for the dark nights now looming ahead of us.

So far, prizes accumulated for tonight's raffle are:

Half a tin of Duraglit (most of the pre-used bits removed)

Four candles

Packet of five two finger Kitkats

No doubt the usual sumptuous array of drinks and nibbles will arrive shortly


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aha so you are the one with the key to the cellar!

alex, I dd think better of you, ya rascal :)
Oh Alex, you tattle tale.

I have my eye on Maj's welly scraper, we do get flooded here. Actually just have my eye on Maj.
No key Alba just a good lock-pick, Mamy we all know that
Oooh Daisy I have a Bosun's whistle, we could do a duet.
Hi kinky! "Fizzy water?" I have a reputation to live down to, you know...

mamya! Ah-ha! So you DO still have my wellies...
I think we could. After they have all had a few more drinks. Which reminds me..... Fascinating colour. You must have worked hard to get that je ne sais quoi.
Daisy I put 100% effort into everything I do.

Maj, yes I am afraid I do, they are on the big side but with a few extra pairs of socks they are ok.
did whoever pinched my bike last week return it? i nearly got lost on the way home without the sat-nav
...You'll have to take them off sometime, then they're mine! Mwahaha...

(You can keep the socks...)
Wicked beast!! They suit me too.

Alex that will them next door, wait till it is dark and we shall turn commando and nick it back.
There is something with two wheels held together by rust in the bushes by the gate. Haven't seen a navvy though. They finished digging up the drive the week before last.
Lawks! Mamya's going commando, I need another Krush-thingy please...
Close your eyes men Mamy is going commando!!!Still it means we will have a tent for the lawn
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Sorry, had to pop out for a bit...

Mamya, get dressed immediately.

Khaki Krush ♥ sounds OK to me. I'll have a vat of that.
Oh, shame - alex wanted to loiter within tent...
Has Mamya got a camouflage jacket? Perhaps we should burn some corks so she can darken her face. Definitely need to open some more wine. Screw tops would scratch!
Alex that is no way to describe my Kaftan. I thought my idea was quite good, we could indulge in some camouflage make up.
Mamya it wasnt your kaftan I was thinking of!!!
Oh I say, how many Krazy Krush♥ have you had??
Perhaps when it is time you could roar a little Your Majesty. That would be a wonderful diversion.

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