I am delighted to be back after my unexpected but very pleasant stravaig to the East Neuk, a calm yet mysterious place full of artists and small people in wet suits.
I will, however, resist giving a talk on my experiences there.
Any other volunteers for tonight's entertainment should report to a Committee member at their convenience.
Prizes so far for tonight's raffle include :
four socks, two pink two blue
a roll of elastoplast
a tin of chopped tomatoes
and six safety pins
I should also say that, Hurricane Irene permitting, I am off to Massachusetts on Monday to see the son-and-heir (and the Kentucky fiddler). Lordalex and I will not be returning for 3 weeks, so I would be obliged if Mamyalynne or alexanderd or any other club stalwarts would fill the breach. I'll leave the keys in their usual place and look forward to regaling you all with tall tales of the goings on in the Wild West when we return.
I feel honoured to address you milady. Your liegefolk were kind enough to welcome me in your absence last week so tonight I come prepared with tribute, For the raffle I have two farls, 3 bouquets garnis of rosemary and bay and a cat's whisker.
Let's say I floated in.......much nicer than straying, fun to find you all& good to know there's a safe place for us all but....... have to go, have fun girls x
Thank you for a lovely evening, the Cracked Panes were delicious. Am filling a hot water bottle and off to bed. Must have caught a chill when I swam in the moat. Good luck in the States ladyalex. Do bring something nice back for the riffle.