I have brung some slightly soiled nappies & half a packet of dried out wetwipes,left in the car for a couple of weeks,only notice now as had a cold!on guard duty at the phone lines,so only a short visit
Welcome all. And thank you so much for the raffle prizes....marrow and ginger jam...yum yum . Haven't had that for years.
What are you guarding, petal ?
A trident tested woud go down very well, please, Mamya...a triple I think.
M'Lady - I'm sure that there will be more than enough prizes entered & that the incredibly lucky winner will be thrilled. Your treble Trident Tested, m'Lady.
Good Evening it is a wet and windy night on the Island of Wight and I shall retire after a quick tailcock . I offer for the waffle, a bottle of Delrosa syrup and a box of Biotex. I found these in my back passage and don't know how long they have been there...........now here is my poncho .....where might my Trident Tested be ? ...