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Mad Over Fifties Club

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nungate | 19:58 Sat 13th Apr 2013 | Quizzes & Puzzles
208 Answers
Time once again for Nungate Towers to open the portals for the meeting of the AB Mad Over Fifties.
For tonight's extravaganza, we have the Hot Plate Special, a lovely hot and spicy Chilli con Carne, with rice and cornbread, and of course the customary nibbles, volly vonts and canopies. On the pudding trolley tonight we have a choice of Treacle sponge and custard, or Sherry Trifle (heavy on the sherry)
The tailcock of choice this evening will be the "Nungate Sling" an interesting variation on that classic, Singapore Sling (a particular favourite of mine) The Minstrels are back again in the Gallery and tonight they are returning to their usual offerings of Madrigals and toccattas, though later on they have promised to play for us their own take on the greatest hits Boxcar Willie - could be interesting as I thought something like that would require some antiseptic, however,...........
For your further entertainment, that wonderful pair of dancers, Clarke Ruffle Horrid and his delightful dance partner, Tessie Tura the Tottenham Twirler will be giving us a dance exhibition in the ballroom followed by one to one instruction for any member wishing to take their first steps into the Terpsichorian Art. Also on offer are donkey rides down by the lake, sad to say that there can be no rally car racing round the track tonight as we are awaiting the delivery of a new rally car, since Queenie managed to write one off doing hand brake turns and ended up having an argument with a tree (she lost, so did the car....)
So, the hot tub is bubbling away in the North Tower, the mini bar has been refilled, the bungee is ready for any unwise souls willing to jump, as always the bowling alley is primed and waiting. Igor has his chains all buffed and is standing by to welcome our guests.
Murraymints has sent her apologies, owing to an urgent family matter she will not be joining us this evening (the pink sparkly is being held by Belle in the Ladies Retiring Room awaiting her return).
Be assured a warm welcome awaits all who dare enter these portals

Carriages at midnight.


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nungate, would that include a map? Such a good idea for those who usually visit after dark. we could plan our assignations
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you'll need a suspender for that Tony
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I daresay it could include a map Daisy, even I'm not too sure of the extent of the grounds here
This one excel
I'll ask mrs overowl if she has one I could borrow nungate !.
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Be careful when you ask her Tony, you know she is a sensitive soul, and she can do a lot of damage with those marigolds
Madame, the carriages are on the we have to begin the clean up?
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Thank you Igor.

Assemble the cleaning staff in the pantry until our guests have left and Chubb had begun the lock up
Totsiens, slaap lekker. Danke.
Oh gawd, I had forgotten about the marigold, never mind though I'll ask gness instead lol.
Good night Daisy.
it is a fictional insignia of a squadron of rebel star ships from the star wars universe.
one of hundreds found in the star wars and star trek universes, imaginatively created by some devoted fans
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Goodnight Daisy, see you next time

Gness may be more amenable to your request Tony
good night daisy

hope you saw my response
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Tha Star Wars universe was quite a big place Excel, I wonder if George Lucas was aware of how big it wa grow when he came up with the original idea. It breaks my heart to think of all the Star Wars memorabilia I lost when I married and left the family home - reckon my mpother would have seen it as junk and tossed it out! Some of it I think could have been worth a few bawbees these days! I still have the original soundtrack albums though, the music and the "talking" ones....
Good night all. Thanks for a lovely evening nungate.
Thankyou excel, yes. Night to you, nungate, Tony and Igor. Until the next time, take care.
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buenas noches Daisy hasta luego...
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Oh, you off too Tony? Goodnight then, see you in the funny papers!
take care, tony

agreed, nungate - i too have lost some good stuff from 1977 when it all started

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