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Maud Over 50s Club

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ladyalex | 17:45 Sat 18th Apr 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
150 Answers
How does your garden grow ?

19 Label the mixed up pegs

No number of letters given. All the other answers are flowers.
Thank you . :-))



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Is that Mad Hatter bank ?
Question Author
Welcome, grasscarp.
Hatterbank, eh? or Nutterbank or Whatterbank, or....darn it's gone again...
Hello mylady. Criteria? Is that weeping outside or am I thinking of exterior? Can anybody remind me of what we were talking about? Please hel ------ sorry about that , the men in the white coats are trying to get in.
Has anyone seen my glasses. I know they're here somewhere....
Question Author
Sorry, didn't refresh, welcome all of you, whoever you are.

Pass all cvs to baitress along with birth certificates. Times this place was properly organised.

Question Author
Jan...I may have found your glasses....they're in the fruit bowl.

Don't cry, baitress, or at least come inside .....
Hello my lady, would love to help but there are two men in white coats trying to prise my fingers off of this keyboard.Looks like I'm goinnnnnggg. Aaaaahhhh!!!!!
How about PlusBank?= 50 plus?
Make two orderly queues, those with bus passes and those who cant wait to travel free (this year for me).....
Question Author
Oh no...our first casualty.
Try to fight them off, baitress, we'll all be round soon. Hold on....
Baitress will be confined to a ward with BBC2 on permanently and turned up too loud!
Question Author
I'm game to join a queue, any queue....
Baitress, are you still holding on ?
The troops are mustering but some of us cannot find our coats and umbrellas....
Question Author
I think I'll have alittle lie down now....who are you all, anyway ?
Would you like a cup of tea ?
Golly what have I missed???Born 1937 (honestly) got 5 "O" levels but find them no use at all now.Will report if any white coated strangers turn up here!Hang on Baitress I'm sure help is at hand
Only drink coffee your ladyship.One sweetner please
Question Author
Coffee for one , sorry no sweeteners, it's sugar or nothing.
And in any case I think we'll have to confer over you membership, patchett. 5 'O' levels makes you a tad over-qualified.....maybe you could consider slipping a few quid to the committee?...
We're nearly there baitress, in hot pursuit of you and the nasty men in white coats. if we can't rescue you, we may be able to urn the TV down a bit. Hold on......
can I join? I think i'm 54 or was i born in 54 I keep having CRAFT days [Can't Remember A Flipping Thing}
What am I joining?
Question Author
You sound like a cert for membership,Diane, but we've all forgotten what it is .
Will we be having a cup of tea later ?
Have the visitors gone now ?
Has anyone seen my glasses? These ones don't work.
Great thread ladyalex.....but look what you've started.
It only goes to prove that all members of AnswerBank (Quizzes and Puzzles Section) ARE mad....just taking part qualifies you
xray, there are madder sections here on AB. No names no pack drill. Oh dear that dates me!

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