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Mad Over 50`s Club

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Mamyalynne | 21:10 Sat 13th Jun 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
247 Answers
At the risk of being presumptious and with no sign of ladyalex thus far , I am throwing the doors open and will endeavour to arrange some entertainment etc

Mutter, mutter, mutter


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I am now boarding the bus for the bewildered, can I have the mop and bucket please?
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coctails all round i think we`ve earned have the other lot gone home??
and a jelly bean coc ktail - yummy
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bye meg frisk em at the other end will you
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theres a nasty smear down me bannister who has been sliding bareback �
Well I might have to go too as I can hear the voices and when they start talking I have to go

Next week I won't be here as I'm away again I'm going to Tossa - hooray
What do they say to you Cath ?
Collected my cat, Corky from the cattery earlier, so glad to have him back, he is daft as a brush but so gentle and loving. Never thought I would ever feel like this about a cat!
Mctavish wil you be here next week, are you female, if not you are breaching the rules. Need to get the bus, I'm struggling to get the vicar on board, flipping heck I need something.
You won't get much off the vicar now he's exhausted and looks like he's passed out....

Glad your cat is back and happy Prudentia

The voices say Mummmmmy but they've stopped now and he's asleep again

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toss a what cath coin do you not know where you are going ?

Pru you know the rules on pets last time it was you and your beaver.
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mct is fine always polite and eats all the scraps up
Thanks Cathy I can go to bed happy with myn pussy now.
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did someone call for mamya or am i imaginingn it
Yes miss meg i hope to join to again next week unless I'm sent to the "naughty box" by the powers that be like i was last week - and yes to your other question very much so !1
tossa cable ????? tossa anything....

Tossa del something - I'm off on another hen do ..... ha ha ha - hubby got the boys again ha ha ha

I'm going to have so much gin.......... yipeee yipee
Oh mamy you are a nice lady saying that about me.
Ahem, is someone not quite ticking all the qualifying boxes for this thread be allowed to pop in here?
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well give your credentials please and we will judge things have relaxed somewhat
Yes Dot I'm not over 50 and I'm not mad

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