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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 03rd Oct 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
222 Answers
Good evening.
The Club is now open.

There may or may not be a raffle tonight as the tickets appear to have been mislaid.
Any prizes that are donated will be carried.


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All is forgiven and forgotten , Miss Meg.
Never let it be said that.....................
lol at mel0ns, tother half works in funerals, that'll go down a treat.
that's wot you think ladyalex......his lordship offered me 'his kingdom for my horse'!
Question Author

He was practising his Richard III....we often do a bit of the Bard on the long winter evenings
drugs trolley on its way

haven`t needed that for a few weeks (note to self check expiry dates)
I found the stash right, I found it but now it's gone and I can't ..........
surely not dick the s
think it was my 'arse he was after......I've locked him in the coach-house with the groom.
Question Author
Good evening, Prudentia.
What are you talking about ?
Dick ? s?
Pericat, I told you not to go into the Maze alone.

I think we urgently need the madications here.
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I can see who`s first for sedation
Sorry, lost my bottle, think I left it on ladyalex's wine cabinet..
Why dosen't tamborine get threatened with eviction? Am I being victimised.
Question Author
Was it a brandy bottle , Prudentia ?
We've had one (or several) go missing here....
Question Author
Yes, Miss Meg, you were .
Right, that's it, I'm taking my bat and ball home!! Good evening.
Richard the Th**d
Question Author
Matron. Matron . MATRON

We've had a spat here. We need you to sort it out.
what the bejabbers is going on

oopps mixed up the meds will be okay after they sleep it off

maybe take some air
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Mad over Fifties Club

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