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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 19:59 Sat 03rd Oct 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
222 Answers
Good evening.
The Club is now open.

There may or may not be a raffle tonight as the tickets appear to have been mislaid.
Any prizes that are donated will be carried.


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i'll pop off an' make a start before the potato blite sets in,already have a pocheen lake
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oooh pocheen and pernod sounds good hic!

are we having supper I feel a rumbling?
Question Author
Steady on with the Bisodol, Mamya....

Supper would be a most excellent idea.
Is someone going for chips ?
Me and max will volunteer for the washing up tomorrow. Max always cleans his plates
mel9ns jokes are her ladyships jurisdiction so I cannot comment

tee hee
shall i go for a chinese,need more spuds,so please put in requests
pericat can strap saddle bags to max for the chip delivery

chips peas and gravy for me pls (no cornichon)
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Can I just have a few smacks?
Just drop your orders into his chaps
me for chish and fips please and mushy peas
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I am treating mel0ns jokes with aristocratic disdain.

Chips and a wally for me , please. (I learned that euphemism for gherkin from that nice Scandinavian girl, Ulrika ka ka)
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Have a word with the bouncers, Miss meg. They look as though they have had a go at most things.
lets saddl up & moseey on down before last orders at dog & duck whilest waiting,
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Do we have a dog and a duck in herer too now ?
I'm starting to lose count of the animals and I don't think Mamya can afford to feed them all and pay her salary to me.
s'cuse me barging in but I got a late raffle prize....its grown with my tomatoes and is really stinky with no tomatoes.It looks v.healthy with plenty of palm-shaped leaves and 4ft tall. It would make a great indoor plant.
wondered where the handgel kept going

Ladyalex is from the big house and very well connected and I am in her employ (it costs me a fortune) but have my eye on the son and heir
Hi tambo what an interesting plant it will make a nice garnish for the chips

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