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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 21:01 Sat 06th Feb 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
134 Answers
Good evening members everywhere.
The Club is now open.
As the cold damp weather is persisting, the fires have been banked up in the grand hall and the kettle is singing on the hob in the upper scullery.

Members are advised that there will be a Committee meeting this evening . Unfortunately the agenda has been mislaid, so we will have to make it up as we go along.

Tonight's lecture is entitled 'Crochet, are you hooked yet ?'


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I could do a fillet in half an hour no trouble as long as you like it pink?
I have a book somewhere in the house. But I don't know where. After I was caught cooking the books some time ago I promised the Judge I'd never open a book again. I suppose I should give the committee a miss too.
Also have some lovely champagne wool , so we can toast our success as a group too
You have wool? Could you knit me a raincoat? I get soaked walking miles to the offie.
Question Author
What a good idea.
Sunday lunch tonight, then in a few hours, Sunday tea and we don't need to get up tomorrow at all ....genius.
Mamya...get cracking with the needles. I'll embroider some gravy and yorkshires.

Sandy ..I do recommend Mamya's tailcocks, but you have to ca' canny with know what I mean
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I think there are at least 200 raincoats in the lost property. You can have your pick. That would leave Mamya to concentrate on the pink fillets and champagne toast.

The gravy and yorkshires are coming on a treat.
Wow, Ladyalex, they are strong. I've suddenly lost the power to stand upright. I think I'll crawl on all fours to the sofa and sleep it off.

Night all, sleep tight.
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Good night Sandy. Hope to see you again next week.
Always good to welcome a new member with the right spirit.

How's the grub coming on, Mamya ?
The fillet is done to a t or a pink and just need to learn that crochet for mushroom pate and we can have a wellington yum yum
Night sandy so great to ahve you pop in, do visit again
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yumyum indeed...looking forward to that when you learn, Mamya and for a lady of your accomplishments, I expect it will take only a matter of minutes.

Well, lets tuck in
taties, sprouts carrots and cauliflower all coming nicely to the boil have thrown in some sweet potatoes for those who like them(cant stand them myself but to eact their own) Is the meat nearly ready Mamy Im getting hungry just smelling this lot
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Yes, alex. All the grub is ready and on the table.
I'll have to go to bed after this tightener.
Just about to carve as his ludships all tuked up and tethered I mean tiger balmed, get the silver cutlery out and lets go for it!!
even managed a tiramisu with the woollen oddments
just popped out for a check on the weather and coaxed his lordship back inside will have my dinner and then get off to bed I think been a good night hope to see you all next week
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Oh, Mamya, what would we do without you. You have such a way with lordalex. He's always so, well, mellow, after you've been in to see to him of an evening.
You're worth every penny that you pay me.
I thinktonight we can break out one of his better wines. Alex, woudl you do the honours , pleas e?
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Tiramisu? tiramisu ? I have again died and gone to heaven.

Let slurping commence.
Looks like just you and me milady I shall pick a nice chianti I feel if thats okay and will do the pots in the morning after Alfie and I have been to Mass
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Chianti is good for me, Mamya.
And you wash the pots I said before, worth your weight in gold.

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