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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 21:01 Sat 06th Feb 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
134 Answers
Good evening members everywhere.
The Club is now open.
As the cold damp weather is persisting, the fires have been banked up in the grand hall and the kettle is singing on the hob in the upper scullery.

Members are advised that there will be a Committee meeting this evening . Unfortunately the agenda has been mislaid, so we will have to make it up as we go along.

Tonight's lecture is entitled 'Crochet, are you hooked yet ?'


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Chips arrived ages ago, Alexandred seems to be in charge, I'm flagging a taxi, nite all, Wendyxx
Question Author
Night night miss meg. See you next week.
Don't flag, whistle.

Have found the chips and am enjoying them. Ta.
night Missmeg hope you get home safely in the fog. did you have the committee meeting while I was getting the chips and are there any new rules?His lordship hasnt banned all north-easterners has he?
Question Author
We don't let loralex have a vote. He isn't a club member, just roams around the clubhouse.

Personally I rather like the northeastern accent.....
Night meg safe journet pet!

Alfies in my portmanteau by the aga

Thanks for the chips alex delish

Yes milady I don`t wander far so will open doors next week if you wish (don`t have a social life as in the gallivanting sort anymore, not with the amount I have to pay to remain in your employ) mustn`t grumble
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Oh go on, mamya, give it a grumble. It's good for you to get it out.

Thanks for openign up etc. Not entirely sure of the stravaiging schedule as yet, so may be able to pop in next week, just didn't want there to be any hold-up at the door in all this weather.
Might not be here next week, rent cottage for Scottish half term at Loch Tay, family will probably drive me crackers and I might come to the club for a bit of sensibility!!! Have I completely lost the plot??
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ENjoy your week and visit the crannog for me.
You may or may not have lost the plot. That is the beauty of this post...nobody knows or cares.
is there a plot? I can turn my hand to a bit of gardening if required. Glad you like my accent Ladyalex
I will have a look in lost property but don`t hold out much hope meg, enjoy bonnie land
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There is an extensive kitchen garden to the side of the conservatory......what do you reckon, potatoes and carrots or something more exotic like leeks, perhaps ?
Is that crannog similar to the ones they have in Dubai, shaped like a palm tree? Or would it be a thistle in Scotland?
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I think it's more glass-shaped
Thank you mi'lady am off now, good luck with his lordship, mamya &alexandred, take care, off playing cookie rookie, see you all soon. Nite, nite, Wendyxx
Did someone mention a glass? I'll have a large red wine please. You can leave the bottle if you like. Save another journey to the cellar
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There may be some red here, Sandy, but why don't you try some of Mamya's excellent tailcocks ?
My own preference is Bailleys and Pernod with an onion. Delish!
I'll try one if you leave out the onion. Gives me terrible wind, do onions.
Question Author
I'm sure that can be arranged.
Sorry to hear of your problem.

Would you like to be on the committee ?
We should have had a meeting tonight, but we forgot....and the books are all lost....
could try some sprouts and cabbage with the taties and carrots and if someone knits some beef we could have our Sunday lunch early and all have a lie in
OOh sandy I do a maen jellybean tailcock (cointreau, pernod and blue bols)

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