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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 21:01 Sat 06th Mar 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
114 Answers
The Club is now open.

The lost property cupboard is completely bare this week, so any raffle prizes will be appreciated.

Tailcocks and nibbles will be served as in the upper lesser front parlour tonight as the usual venue is still out of commission following last week's mysterious leak.

Please take care on the back stairs as the bulbs have gone. Matches and candles can be found.


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Uncle Joe has been here al week being entertained by lordalex.
They have been walking, stalking, talking , hawking and gawking.

And that was just during the day. At night they were singing, wringing, clinging, and, worryingly, swinging.
And don`t I knowhes been here! Has petal made a mess on the stairs?
Question Author
It wasn't petal......
Petal has gone to vegas to throw craps
If dear old Uncle Joe has kept His Lordship out of your hair I think it is you who is indebted to me. A few extra tailcocks should cover it. Poor petal, I once had an accident on the stairs.
Excuse me miss meg, but 7 extra breakfasts and PJs to launder and you didnt mention the bladder problems or I would have got the waterproof sheet out
Uncle Joe? Who is Uncle Joe, never heard of him. What time is the raffle, prizes are excellent.
Question Author
And that's before we get on to the ear protectors for us and the extra wages for the outside staff after the stalking.
I won't go into the swinging.
selective memory huh? are there enough of us to fiddle errr hold the raffle?
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Sorry, called away ....

It is now time for the raffle.
Does everyone have their tickets ?
Tickets, what tickets? I have an old bus ticket in my pocket.
Yes Ma`am I do but don`t know where evryones gone and I don`t want my teatowels back
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Shall we carry the raffle over til next week , then and hope for a better turnout ?
I'm sure they will flood in when the pubs close. What time do pubs close nowadays? Twas 10.30 last time I went to one.
Whats a pub I have a well stocked pantry, that will do me!
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A pub?
Lordalex and I do not patronise such establishments, although I have heard him speak of lock-ins. I had always supposed it to refer to barbers' shops.
jusr popping in to say HELLO to all you over 50 mad people! love you all! xxxx
society long time no see, do at least have a tailcock afore you venture out again.
What do you and his Lordship have against pantries?
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OH, please stay for a drink , society.
Perhaps you would consider buying a raffle ticket too ?
The raffle money goes towards our outings.
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I don't think we have anything against pantries.

We're very against panties. Horrid americanism. It's pant all the way for us.

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Mad over Fifties Club

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