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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 21:01 Sat 06th Mar 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
114 Answers
The Club is now open.

The lost property cupboard is completely bare this week, so any raffle prizes will be appreciated.

Tailcocks and nibbles will be served as in the upper lesser front parlour tonight as the usual venue is still out of commission following last week's mysterious leak.

Please take care on the back stairs as the bulbs have gone. Matches and candles can be found.


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Great idea, the driver just goes, mamya's butties keep us sustained, alex brings the drinks, heaven. All we have to worry about is humph, ellie his lordship and uncle joe singing in the back seats
Thats a good idea and I wont give the driver any Horlicks
Not singing Summer Holiday I hope
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I think we may have cracked it.

All we need to do now is find a driver and a supply of industrial strength ear plugs.

Is there horlicks tonight, Mamya ? Can I have some with your special 'extras' in it ?
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Alexanderd, we're never sure just what they sing.......we try not to listen.

Occasionally snatches can be heard, but , personally , I shut the door and put my hands over my ears.
I could try to drive, I don't go on motorways but we could have fun on the scenic route. Maybe meet a yeti or two.
perhaps one of those fireman friends of Mamys would drive us and do a spot of moonlighting
One Horlicks with extras "wink wink" coming up
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I don't want to be associated with mooning firemen.

I may be a little detached from ordinary folks, but I know what mooning is.
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Thank you so much, Mamya.
I knew I could rely on you.

Will you come up and help me with himself and Uncle Joe later ? will take two of us to get them sorted. They've started the singing again, can you hear them ?
Personally alex, I find mooning quite rude, never felt the neeed to drop my pants as yet.... It coluld happen!!
That Gregorian Chant is quite appealing. Were they monks in another incarnation?
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Hello Sandy, how nice of you to drop in.

Have to question your ear for music, though.

As far as I know, lordalex has never been a monk.....Miss Meg will have to answer for Uncle Joe.
Who let Gregory Chant in here ? He is from that place next door that we dont mention
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Those bouncer blobbies will have to go.....I've laid it on the line to them time and time again that no one from the bewildered lot are allowed in , yet every week one of them (at least) gets through.
Throw him out, please alexanderd or Miss meg will have a fit of the vapours.
Sal volatile on standby, Mamya.
Sandy...get the doors open ready for ejection.
I'm too old fo rthis, you kow. Can't get the staff these days, grumble, grumble,
Dont worry LadyAlex Gregory is in the garden he can chant all he likes out there perhaps you could let LordAlex have the shotgun again as it is a special occasion?
I haven't sniffed smelling salts for quite some time. To me they're a bit like the barmaids apron, one sniff and I'm floating off into another world.
Do we really need to eject those people? Variety is said to be the spice of life.
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Are you insane, Sandy ?
These people are menaces. They force their way in here, steal out raffle tickets, let out our animals and I daren't say what they have threatened to do to Miss Meg.
That's why we have to keep the Sal Volatile handy.

Quite a good idea about the shotgun, Alexanderd, but , as you know, it's getting it back off him that's the problem. Can't you just shove them in the moat ? That usually discourages them.
Ha, you're still enjoying Uncle Joe, look after him, his lordship would be out shooting peasants without him. My OH has an imaginary pet called Butch, bit worrying when we're , in the local hostelry, he holds him back when food is dropped on the floor. Flipping fool. Good night, Butch has gone missing, I'm supposed to find him......
Moat it is LadyA I havent fed the crocs for a while

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