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Mad Over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:00 Sat 26th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
339 Answers
The Club is now open.

The moat has been thoroughly cleaned since last week and members are advised that swimming is again safe between the lower green flag and the upper green flag.

On no account are members to try to swim between the upper green flag and the lower green flag. This could be hazardous.

All prizes for the non-raffle will be gratefully accepted if left on the small hall table.

Tonight's winning tickets will be drawn tonight.


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I'm getting tipsy..I drank ttfns brandy..I'll pour her another x
I fear I may be sacked lol
<<brr brr, brr brr, brr brr - text from ttfn to say she is waiting for darkness to fall>>
*Hands ttfn her brandy*
Just to inform you all I will be singing..
Just put your hat on with the veil ttfn, they won't notice you if you pedal fast.
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text back.....looking forward to seeing you then. are you a vampire ?......
ttfn, hi - I have your poultice here ready and waiting. It won't be dark for ages, longest weekend and wotnot, do you want me to come and fetch you in the covered wagon?
Laters ttfn ♥

sueziy in tune I hope or we shall let you know♫
<<no ladyalex but my burkha got caught in the bike chain on the rickshaw wotsit>>
Oh it's a good job they haven't banned the burqa then, as long as you can see where you are going ttfn don't want another trip up.
I can't guarantee anything mamy...
Good evening ladyalex - other ladies - and suezy the tweeny x
Hello all, see the Q&P police have been here again
No recollection of Pat m'lady, apart from a young groom who was below stairs, phew!!
I have brought some OMO for the confusing raffle.
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ooooh painful

best try to stay comfy and have a nice drink...

Perhaps we'll all join in with the singing later. We haven't had a good sing for a while.
You are amongst friends, you can take the burqa off now.
Evening ttfn and Miss meg, now OMO I do recall and Oxydol too
I feel so stupid constantly asking what is this what is that but whats tweeney?

"Uptown Girl..She's been livng in her uptown world..."
I think a box of OMO used to go in the window to signify Old Man Out. I remember Oxydol as well.
Hi ttfn, nice to see you.
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Hello Miss Meg.
Thanks for the OMO.. I remember Oxydol and Rinso too, but I'm sure there was a PAT...It was one of the first non-foaming ones for automatic washers.....
My offerings tonight milady are
Box 1 - Standard fireworks - in case boxy needs to let one off
Box 2 - Crackers - Jacobs for the uniting of cheese
Box 3 - Night safe for dentures (upper & lower plates)
Box 4 - Crackers - Chinese (they actually belong to the rickshaw driver but he shouldn't have left them on the seat

Please do not touch Box 5 - it has my tantalus in it but I have a crate of mixed fruit juices and 2 large kegs of scrumpy

No wonder the rickshaw was slow coming up that incline

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